Worth 1000

As some of you already know, or have guessed, we're pregnant. That gorgeous photo is of the bebe at 9 wks.

and now some enlightening Q&A for those of you dying to know …

due date? March 2, 2007 … I'll try to add a script to keep it updated

and that makes you how far along? 15 wks tomorrow

bump? yes, there's a bump and practically none of my pants fit anymore, but it's not all that noticable yet …

boy or girl? we don't know yet … but we plan on finding out and we really have no preference

symptoms i haven't had it too bad, actually

OB appointments? we've had two … one to do that ultrasound and one yesterday to hear the heart beat

names? I'm not likely to tell you tha allouiscious is the front runner for a child of either gender, am I? wait … doh!

So glad we get to share this with all of you … send us happy healthy baby vibes.

ps. I added a new skin to the site to celebrate.

10 Replies to “Worth 1000”

  1. I am sooooooo happy for you! Congratulations! Remember you have to name your baby Strawberry :P. Oh, I'm so excited I don't even know what else to type! Good vibes to you, Matt and baby! Yay!!!!!!!

  2. congrats. I was sick as a dog my whole pregnancy. I only gained 17lbs… I was miserable I had some very blog worthy experiences in the labor and delivery room too!

  3. Yay! You shared the news!! I am SO excited for you, as you well know! Springtime babies are wonderful! SUper duper big happy Baby GOOD Vibes to you and Bump!!

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