Pregnancy Casserole

OK, so we all know that weird things come along with pregnancy … and for me it's not been cravings so much as aversions. Strong aversions. The biggest one is to veggies. I used to have a spinach salad with lunch almost every day. The thought now repulses me. I used to be able to eat some nice steamed asparagus or broccoli or whatever with any meal. No more. Practically the only veggies I like still are baby carrots or zucchini (in small amounts). The only way I will really eat my veggies is if they're carefully hidden under carbs or cheese.

Of course, being pregnant, nutrition wise, I really need to eat my veggies, so what a crummy time to develop an aversion to them! So to those ends, I created the pregnancy casserole. It ain't gourmet. And it certainly won't win any nutritional awards (though all things considered, it could be a lot worse!), but it's quick, contains a relatively high ration of veggies to bad stuff and I find it to be yummy. Though I'm not certain that those without elevated hormones would agree. Whatever. Check it out anyhow.

2 Replies to “Pregnancy Casserole”

  1. LOOL. I love it “The only way I will really eat my veggies is if they're carefully hidden under carbs or cheese. ”

    I like your recipe.

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