Our Little JD

As yesterday was Thursday, after work, I headed to doggy daycare to pick up Loki. When I got there, instead of immediately releasing Loki to me, they made me wait to get him until they finished a very long credit card transaction (not the norm). After that was finished, the staffer that was on duty said that the manager had asked her to “talk to me about Loki.” Ru-roh. Loki has had his fair share of difficulties with doggy daycare. He loves going there, but he's a bit territorial and he apparently has some sort of bias against Boxers (the staff theorizes that their facial structure makes them look aggressive). When he started there, they did not have any boxers and now they have some every day. He played well and happily with the little dogs for a long while, but apparently he's recently become more aggressive with them and “pinned” one of them. His last few days at camp have apparently been in solitary confinement. He's now been asked not to come back.

Honestly, I don't have a problem with this. If it's not working, it's not working and it's a complete waste of money to have him there to play by himself. We don't really need DD to “watch” him. Matt works from home and can watch him 95% of the time. What we need DD for, especially in the winter, was to get him some play time with fellow canines and some exercise. What I do have a problem with was the way the folks at doggy daycare handled it.

Since he's had some issues before, Matt and I have pretty diligently inquired about his behavior when we pick him up. We knew he was playing with the little dogs. We knew there was a problem with Boxers. Yet I felt like the expulsion came from nowhere. No warning. No nothing. I feel like the staff there was less than honest with us in their communications regarding him and I also feel like they deliberately let us run out our package without telling us about the problem rather than offering us a refund. I don't feel it's worth getting in a fight over, but I'm a bit disappointed in them.

10 Replies to “Our Little JD”

  1. I am sorry to hear of the daycare handled it so poorly. Good communication is so crucial yet so limited.
    Although the picture is sort of funny.

  2. I'm sorry that Loki was expelled. Norton is very well known at every local dog park b/c he always has to be TOP ALPHA DOG!!!! I like Loki's little record and pic though. Wouldn't it be funny if you saw it hanging in pet stores and groomers?

  3. Wow, doggy daycare. That sounds pretty fancy. I'm sure they were probably just waiting it out so they'd get all their money. Stinks for your dog, I guess, but like you said, he might as well not go if they won't let him play with the other puppies.

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