Do Not Meddle in the Affairs of Snow Dragons

Snow has been an issue here in Denver this year … to say the least. We are just now finally getting streets cleared from the many snows that piled up and froze into mini glaciers and blocked our streets, sidewalks and driveways. And I won't even go into the potholes the white stuff has created. Cuz we know what's really important the city of Denver has wisely decided to pony up $30,000 to rent a “Snow Dragon” for a month in order to get our baseball stadium's parking lots clear.

The behemoth machine takes in snow, melts it, heats it to 120 degrees and spits it back out to melt more snow. It also filters the water before it goes out so the ickies don't go back into our storm water drains. They swear it'll be save the taxpayers big $$ and we'll finally be able to park at Coors Field. And the people rejoiced.

5 Replies to “Do Not Meddle in the Affairs of Snow Dragons”

  1. Wow. Where do they rent that from? It seems that a city like Denver should own one of those.

    On a sidenote, one of my friends that lives there was telling me how she couldn't find her white car one day. It took her several days to be able to get out and drive to Texas.

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