Off Like a Herd of Turtles


I told Matt that I feel like this has been a week of false starts. Between this and that, it feels like some sort of franken-week, and like I haven’t really gotten anything accomplished.

Sunday night onto Monday morning I had some sort of super fun GI bug that left me pretty drained. I stayed home from work and basically slept the WHOLE DAY, just barely managing to accomplish a couple of things via email. By 5pm or so, I’d kind of rallied and I got up and we took the kids to their first swim lesson.

We signed them up for these super-intensive, super expensive lessons because a) they’re 3 and 5 and can hardly swim at all and b) we’re going on a cruise this summer and my wouldn’t it be nice if we could actually take advantage of the pools on the ship? and c) Mommy would like to sit back and read a novel and not worry about her precious ones drowning! Anyway, all said and done it’s about a 90 minute commitment 2 evenings a week, so non-trivial. In addition to that they have some weird rules about eating beforehand so (presumably) your kid won’t throw up in the pool.

So we did swim lessons (in driving snow) which actually went pretty well considering Ben’s paralyzing fear of the water. And then we came home and did the dinner thing and the homework thing and the kids went off to bed and I went for a run. Of course sleeping all day had screwed up my internal clock and I couldn’t fall asleep until way too late. Grrrr

Today I couldn’t get out of bed to go to the gym. And then I went off to work for a few hours which was super productive, but then I had to leave for my great aunt’s funeral and the family gathering afterward. It was simple and lovely and sad.

Then, of course, I hightailed it back home to change clothes and gather stuff and run out for swim lesson #2. This one, though an hour later, went even better. Ben actually seemed to enjoy himself by the end and made real progress with his backfloat. Tabby swam across the pool and dove for rings. The only problem was that since they can’t eat beforehand, we were all STARVING and so we all chowed down on Subway on the way home. My car will never be the same again.

So in two days I’ve spent about 3 hours doing swim lessons, spent not much more than double that at the office, and exactly 0 hours at the gym. On the plus side, the house is spotless and I’m pretty well rested. Trade offs.

Friday Faves


Call the Midwife. Lovely British Drama based on the memoirs of a midwife who worked in London’s East End in the 1950s. Wonderful stories about interesting people. You can watch the first season on Amazon for $9.45 and S2 is on PBS in March.


YurBuds – these are amazing headphones. They actually stay put while you run. Total triumph.


Where’s My Water. This is my current fave game of the moment. You have to make a path for Swampy’s water to get to his shower. Plenty of obstacles. For Android or iOS.


Nuun tablets. I can drink a few bottles of plain water, then I want something different. Nuun is just lightly sweet and flavored. Awesome.

candyandyCandy Andy. Because he is super tasty. And he owns a candy shop.

blpancakesGoing to try these oatmeal pancakes this weekend!

Hedgie FAQ


Whenever we talk to someone about the hedgehogs, there is a great deal of interest and a lot of questions. They aren’t quite your typical pet, but they’re very sweet and pretty interesting.

  1. What do they eat? In the wild, hedgies are insectavores, a diet rich in protein. So in suburban Denver, ours eat cat food, high in protein. They can have some fruit and insects (mealworms, crickets) as a treat.
  2. How long do they live? 6-10 years. These guys will be with us a good long while.
  3. Do they bite? Ours don’t have teeth yet, but when they develop them they can bite. They are pretty sweet and docile but they have nibbled on Tabby’s fingers when she hadn’t washed them before holding the hedgies. They tend to nibble when they smell food on your hands.
  4. What’s their cage like? We are currently keeping them in a rubbermaid tub lined with newspaper based kitty litter. They also need a pretty warm environment, so they have a heat lamp right now. Matt is building them a nicer cage and it will have a heater in it as well as a good deal more space for their hedgie hijinks.
  5. What’s it like to pet them? I’ve told a few people it’s like petting a hairbrush. It’s not soft by any means, but it’s not pokey or sharp either. They can’t throw their quills like a porcupine, but they can bristle them up and they will poke you. Judging from what I’ve seen (and read) it’s doubtful if they could break the skin. Their bellies and faces are soft just like a gerbil or mouse.
  6. What are they like? They are quite a bit less active than mice or gerbils. That is not to say they’re not active. They move around quite a bit, but if you put them on the ground it isn’t an instant game of hide-and-go-seek. They’re a bit slower and generally more friendly. They climb onto our hands if we hold them in the cage for a few seconds. Snowball seems to like to run and move a bit more and Hedgie likes to be warm and a bit more sedate. At least so far.

Allowance, etc. Update


Well it’s been a while since we started with the allowances and chores and it’s going well. My SIL said she had to read through the system twice and still was confused and it does seem confusing, I think, but in practice it’s really pretty simple. The key has been having the app to manage everything. If I had to do this with charts and actual money, I’d go mad. Still, there are tweaks we’ve had to make.

We started off by giving the kids an allowance (automatic) of 10 minutes of screen time but found that with the chores they do which earn them 5 min for each chore, they didn’t really need it. So I nixed that. The stars, which are their measure for good behavior, have been just right. They can earn up to 3/day. They’ve been a very effective tool for reminding the kids about “good choices,” “good manners” and “good attitude.” They’ve cashed them in (20 ea) for a trip to the swimming pool already and I’ve got a groupon to the Denver Museum of Science and Nature in the wings for the next family outing prize.

Tabby has been quite gung-ho about earning extra money, especially since she was required to contribute $10 for her hedgehog’s equipment (a drop in the bucket, let me tell you). She has vacuumed the couch and the main level and she’s done a ton of extra math, reading and writing work as well. And she’s been great about making her own lunch, though help is still required. I think I need to start teaching her some more chores, like mopping the floor and folding the laundry. It would pay off quickly! Ben is much less enthusiastic about earning money, but screen time is a great motivator for him, especially since he just found a new TV show to love, Phineas and Ferb.

It’s been interesting, too, watching them figure out how to work the system. I don’t care if they clean up their rooms on a daily basis. All I care about is if, at bedtime, their rooms are clean (playroom too). As long as they’re clean, they get their 5 min of screentime for this “chore” and it’s been a good motivator to keep things clean instead of cleaning them up when Mommy and Daddy say so. The whole point of this is for them to learn good routines and be responsible and hopefully that’s a good indication that it’s working.

Party Planning


We’ve got a few parties coming up in the pretty near future and so I’ve been finding myself spending too much time browsing around Pinterest and Oriental Trading company looking for fun party stuff.

The first party on the horizon is Tabby’s class Valentine’s Day Party. A friend and I and one other mom are the politically correct “room parents.” It’s funny because we have quite a few dads involved in school stuff – crossing guards, PTA presidents, etc. – but I’ve never seen a room dad. But I digress.

So we get to put together a little soiree for the kinders on Vday. My friend was a teacher and she always has great ideas for activities for the kids. She came up with a cool puzzle scavenger hunt that the kids can do on their own and then bring all the pieces together to reveal a secret message. It sounds like great fun and is even learning based what with the puzzle pieces and the reading and all that.


I on the otherhand, have Pinterest. And there I found these great Valentine’s floats. They’re made with Cherry 7up, ice cream and twizzlers for straws. We have to have a bunch of healthy food options available, but I thought these would be a fun treat for the kids and it’s nice to break away from cupcakes and cookies. Plus no decorating! And those are about as far as I’ve gotten. We’ll need to come up with a simple craft and probably some stickers for the kids to take home.


Then there’s Tabby’s impending 6th birthday. I think we’ve finally decided she’s going to have it at our local rec center with swimming afterward. Now we need to figure out about the party part. The activity portion is taken care of with swimming, so decorations, food and maybe a little craft or take-home something. But I don’t know where to go with this. I’ve had two thoughts: hedgehogs and kawaii (random Japanese cuteness).


Hedgehogs are obvious, but I thought the Kawaii “theme” would be fun because T has the slightly bizarre distinction of being the kid in her kindergarten class who listed her favorite food as “sushi” and I thought it would be fun to have candy sushi at her party. But that’s where that idea ends. The problem with either theme is that there’s no page in the catalog for hedgehog or kawaii birthday supplies so I have to come up with pretty much anything that we use and I don’t really have the time at the moment. So maybe we ditch themey things and she just picks a cake she likes and we buy some balloons.

Lastly there’s Ben. He and Tabby have been at their new schools the same amount of time, but while we’ve met lots of Tabby’s classmates and their parents, we don’t know ANYONE from Ben’s school. There’s no set pickup/dropoff time for his school so whereas with Tabby’s you’re constantly seeing the same people at start and end, the parents trickle in and out and rarely do we see any of them let alone stand around chatting for five minutes before/after school. As a result, we don’t really know Ben’s new classmates and I’m trying to figure out if we should do a party for him this year. He definitely wants one. We could easily invite our family friends and their kids (few of whom, I should point out, are actually Ben’s age) and have a nice party for him. But I’ve considered inviting his classmates and seeing if anyone will come and trying to get some of that friendliness started. Part of me also wants to have him wait until next year for a friends party so we can alternate who gets a big friend party each year, but next year may be the same friend situation all over again. It’s a bummer.

So I leave you with party on the brain.


tabby+hedgies Well I better post quickly while I can!! I have had an annoying issue with WP login that is apparently pretty common and pretty hard to diagnose and correct. I’ve tried tons of solutions only to have most of them not work long-term. Frustrating. But ultimately off topic.

Because as of Thursday, we are hedgehog owners! They are officially Tabby’s and officially her birthday present a bit early. We adopted them from a local breeder and they are very cute, sweet little things.

snowballThis is Snowball. She’s 8 wks old and she’s a “pinto” variety. She is very active and more on the svelte side. She is big on wheel running and she’s got a pretty sweet temperament.

hedgie+snowballThat’s Hedgie on the right. She is more of the typical hedgehog look, and I believe she’s a “chocolate chip” variety. She’s only 6 weeks but a bit larger. When we got her she was in the process of “quilling” which is sort of analogous to teething. The loose and regrow their quills on a monthly basis throughout their first year as their bodies grow and it makes them a bit on the grumpy side, so we haven’t gotten to see her true personality just yet. So far she seems a bit more sedate, but that might be the quilling too.

It’s been interesting having them in our house. We didn’t keep them warm enough at first (despite our best efforts!) and they started to go into hibernation which is dangerous in hedge hogs. We got them warmed back up with the help of a heat lamp and they are doing much better now.

They are currently housed in a plastic tub (this is pretty typical for hedgies) but Matt is building them a more permanent (and aesthetically pleasing) home. I will be really glad when it’s done because Loki is a little toooo interested in them and we’ve had to be very very diligent about keeping him away from them.

For her part, Tabby is overjoyed. She has been so excited to bring these guys home and she is loving on them every chance she gets! Now if only she’d taken my naming advice. I wanted them to be Hedgie and Wedgie.


Almost There

Yikes. Moving hosts was so much easier with my custom blog engine. This WP stuff … I think I’ve got it settled now. I think.

skateTabby started a new round of skating today. She is having too much fun. She is also the only girl in her class.

Hedgies are supposed to come home tomorrow. Not entirely certain about that yet.

It’s been a very long week and I will be glad to have a break.

Really glad.

I’m up too late again. Darnit.

So Done

I am completely fed up with my  hosting company and I’m switching over to someone new. Site may be in and out for the next couple of days.

January Lament

Every single treadmill’s taken,
By the hoards who’ve sworn off bacon.
I’m very glad that they’ve resolved,
But must my gym be involved?

They’ve said good bye to bad fast food,
so I say “hi” to ineptitude.
They don’t remember to re-rack weights,
they prune and preen and look for mates.

All I want to do is get ‘er done,
just lift my weights and do my run.
But everywhere that I look,
Resolutioners fill every nook!

At my office I can’t shower,
because it’s taken for a good half hour.
Finally, I get to go.
Thankfully, hot water flows.

Under water warm and wet,
I reflect as I purge the sweat,
It’s not that I don’t like to share,
It’s the onslaught I can’t bear.
A consolation gets me through,
Numbs my sorrows, dulls my blue,
By mid-February they’ll be done,
Done with diets, done with runs.

Some will stay and that is great,
All my best for losing weight.
I know that I might be a grouch,
but get your butt back on that couch.

Digital Allowance

allowance (1)


Of course once we’d decided on the basics of all this allowance/chores/responsibilities stuff, we had to figure out how to track it all. We wanted flexibility and ease and though I love charts, they didn’t seem to quite cut it. I didn’t want to be printing out new charts every week and making changes to them constantly. And they hardly serve when we’re away from the house! But then I did what I always do. I went back to my nerd roots. There’s got to be an app for that.

I looked on both of my mobile devices and the best selection of apps by far was (unfortunately :P) for my iPhone. I downloaded over 10 and in the end, I had two serious contenders: iAllowance and Tykoon. Tykoon was nice because it’s backed by a cloud and has the ability to have kid accounts and parent accounts, meaning that I could set everything up on my parent account and then Tabby could see her balances and chores on her iPod without messing with my settings. But it really fell apart in customization. The accounts that are set up are stock. You can’t rename them. And it also seemed to focus too much on obtaining material things … your kids can “spot” things and take photos of them with their iPhones and there are spaces for wishlists. It is still in Beta and hopefully it will improve because it has pretty good potential. It also had the advantage that you could setup chores for both kids simultaneously. But in the end, iAllowance worked best for the way we want to manage things.

Above is the home screen. You can click on each child to see their current data or you can click the > on the right to do setup for each kid. And it shows their current totals. iAllowance has three currencies (perfect for us!): time, money and stars.

Continue reading “Digital Allowance”