It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I LOVE this time of year. We’ve been shopping and decorating and listening to Christmas music and generally making merry. The calendar is packed with parties and outings and fun of all kinds. The kids are going just a leeetle mad and the darlings are refusing to nap which is exacerbating the situation. But it is so fun to see all of this through their eyes.

And in the aisles of the grocery store, they are taking notice too and putting out tons of holiday-flavored goodies. I picked these guys up at Target a couple of weeks ago and may or may not have eaten 4 before I even got them home. Surely not, right? Anyhow, THESE ARE AWESOME and if you have a Target near you, you should try them and then you will love and hate me because they are super tasty and yet not health food of course.

My biggest challenge this time of year is not taking advantage of every tasty goody that comes my way. My office is usually full-to-overflowing with gifts from our vendors and by Christmas Eve, all anyone around the office wants is some fruit and vegetables. So I’m working on limiting my consumption of goodies and adding in some extra running to compensate as well.

Speaking of running, I keep having to talk myself out of buying a new treadmill. Technically, ours still works even though it is almost 8 years old and has a LOT LOT of miles on it. It is a little creaky, especially when my hulking hubby runs on it, but that is a small complaint. Yet I keep seeing excellent deals on new treadmills – treadmills with built in Android tablets that show you beautiful outdoorsy things while you run and track your stats and stuff. Cool, no? Of course, but also not exactly a necessity.

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