Four Days Well Done

It was such a nice long weekend. After our wonderful Thanksgiving, we slept like babies, but the kids, of course, were up by the crack of dawn and ready to go go go. So we went … shopping. We got some good black friday deals, including Tabby’s “big” gift.

I went for a nice long(er) run in the afternoon (and about to do a bit more of that!).

My folks came over in the evening and we served them Chicken Gumbo and we had some post-Thanksgiving vegging sort of fun, including building the lovely Gingerbread Home Depot.

Saturday, my parents met us for breakfast and took charge of the kids and Matt and I headed out for a date day. We did quite a bit of Christmas shopping. Matt finally found a new Christmas tree and got a great bargain on it. After two separate malls and about 5 hours on the job, we took a break for lunch and a movie. We saw Skyfall, the new James Bond movie. It was AWESOME.

Today was a more typical Sunday. We picked up the kids. Tabby had a b’day party. Ben and I did the grocery shopping. We put up the Christmas tree (but didn’t decorate it). Matt and I worked around the house. The kids refused to nap.

I’m not quite ready to go back to reality tomorrow …


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