Apparently Sybil Controls Our Weather

A few weeks ago we had a crazy blizzard that duped 4 feet of snow in parts of the state. We’ve had some nice weather since then, so it had mostly melted. And yesterday, it got up in the mid to high 50s and we got WIND. Not a little wind. Like Your Little Dog Too kind of wind. I had a friend who had her mail box blown over. Not a single home mailbox, one of the giant 15-house ones that are metal and they put in the same time as the curb. Another friend had a giant trash can blow right in front of her. I saw two fences blow down on my way home from work. Our neighborhood was strewn with garbage cans. Speaking of which, why does this always happen on trash day, or really trash and recycling day??? Hmmm??

Then for the first time since we’ve lived in our neighborhood, we lost power. Our neighborhood is newer and has most of the power lines buried (a very good choice for the weather we get), so something killed our substation. It was a huge dark area. Matt and Tabby were at her skating lessons (where they didn’t lose power) so it was just myself and Ben. We used my phone to hunt around and find flashlights and we lit some candles. Unfortunately, the meatloaf was in the oven and hardly cooked, so when Matt and Tabby got back, we wound up going out and getting some great Mexican food. By the time we got home we had power again.

I went to bed with a forecast for a single inch of snow. By the time I got up we had 3 inches. The plows were behind, the interstate closed, and they say we’re getting a few more before it’s done.  But the mountains have powder and our family’s flight is on time. To top it all off, we’ll be in the 50s and sunny this weekend. Gotta love the 303.

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