A Night Off

Matt (sensibly, for once) decided to take a little break from working on our basement. He caught up to where our contractor needed us to be and as he has the same obnoxious head cold I do, he decided he could use some rest. So last night we ran one teeny errand (toy shop – to pick up Tabby's Christmas present) and then went home and had dinner. After dinner, faced with the choice of a bath or going to bed, Tabby selected bed (!!) and as it was almost 7, Ben followed quickly thereafter.

I would like to have stayed up and had some fun, but we wasted 30 minutes to an hour doing things like looking for the remote, checking on the basement, putting away laundry, etc. and by the time we crawled into bed to (theoretically) watch The Tudors, I curled up next to Matt and went right to sleep. Yes, people, I went to bed at 8 PM. Maybe before. It was great!

This weekend is another flurry of activities. Friday, our day off, will surely be busy enough and that evening we have Tabby's “dance recital” – or as I like to call it, “Cat Herding: The Musical!” – and after that I am meeting up with The Moms for dinner and some much needed girly fun. Saturday, bright and early, we have Tabby's “gymnastics meet” – or as I like to call it, “Cat Herding: The Olympic Event.” We will have plenty to do that day, I'm sure, though it hasn't been set in stone. And that evening, we have dinner plans with some family friends that I'm very much looking forward to. Sunday it's back to work on the homestead. If the stars align, there is a teeny chance we might have it done by Christmas.

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