Twice in One Week!

It is still pretty early in our house. Tabby has had quite a few late nights in a row – amazing how our “Blissfully Slow” week turned crazy – and I am hoping she'll sleep at least a bit longer. I have been up for almost an hour and a half. Ben woke up and we got him back to sleep and I stayed up for the sheer peace and quiet. Scratch that. Tabby just woke up. Alright. Back to bed. It is amazing how much I can get accomplished in just a short amount of time when I have no distractions. Amazing!

I only have a few weeks until I go back to work full time. Next week should be pretty routine but the week after that, I have convinced my over-worked husband to actually take some time off work … a whole week in fact. I may have to lock up his laptop and throw away the key, but I want some time to enjoy with him and the kids before it's back to the grind.

We have no set plans to go out of town or anything like that. I want to check out a few places in the area that I've heard of and haven't managed to get to yet. I want to spend an hour or more at the gym each day (we are training for a 10K). I want to hit the zoo again. Maybe go berry picking. Maybe do a thing or two around the house.

The last week off, I am planning on sending the kids – maybe sometimes just Tabby, sometimes both of them – to our sitter and getting things a bit more organized. I want to have all more of my ducks in a row so that transition will not be quite as manic as it otherwise might be.

And now I must head back to reality. Ben has been making quite the ruckus while I've been typing this and I need to get over there and change his diaper before it's an even bigger mess!

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