From the Homefront

We left the hospital yesterday and have been home for over 24 lovely hours. It is all coming back to us and we are getting into our stride. Of course it is different from the first go around. The first go around we didn't have a very active two-year-old running around. But we also lacked confidence. This time we could politely refuse the ridiculous suggestions of the various medical professionals and go with our own counsel. Ben is so far a pretty easy-going baby. He has taken to nursing like a champ (something Tabby and I never seemed to get the hang of) and managed to gain back 3 ounces or lost weight in about 36 hours. He is nursing constantly right now and I am moocow on demand until supply reaches incredible demand.

Tabby is doing well with him as well. She had a great time staying with my parents but is also enjoying being back home. Ben fascinates her and so far her reactions to him have been all positive. She is a bit more fragile than normal, we've noticed. The smallest things seem to upset her unreasonably, especially anything that can be perceived as negative attention towards her (us saying no to any request or her getting into trouble, however minor). It has been a bit crazy around here, but I'm hoping to get to devote some one-on-one attention to her soon.

As for the rest of the family, all is well. Matt is getting as much sleep as can be expected (that would be not much) and doing a pretty darn good job keeping up with Tabby and the house. I am healing pretty well, though I would appreciate it if this excess fluid that's built up would get out of here about now. Loki is home again as well and has acknowledged our newest arrival. So I guess that's about it! Thanks for all the well wishes.

9 Replies to “From the Homefront”

  1. I didn't get to leave you congratulations the other day since I've been out of town, so… Congratulations! He's a cutey!. Glad to hear that all is going well. I know what you mean about being much more confident this time around. It makes a world of difference to just feel like you can do everything & not worry about anyone else.

  2. I love the picture!! So adorable! Glad to hear you are healing well. Keep taking it easy!

    Jackson reacted to the baby by becoming 'fragile' too. We have at least one incident a day. Keeping him well rested is key.

    Can't wait to see more pics of the little one!

  3. I'm glad you're all home now. I feel for little Tabby, though. She's used to being the only one. It'll pass, though. Lots of luck and patience, Jess!

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