Another Day

I was like the walking dead yesterday. I guess the weekend just caught up to me. Also, my body was really ticked when it had to get out of bed after like 6 hours of mediocre sleep. Picky picky.

Anyhoo, on Sunday evening, we called the after-hours nurse about Tabby because she had some itchy spots on her arms. I thought she was just kind of allergic to something or other (I used to get this all the time as a kid) and wanted to give her some Benedryl. She'd also had flushed cheeks all day. The nurse put two and two together and came up with Fifth Disease. This is apparently no big woo for her … she will get a rash off and on for a while until her body builds up immunity … but it is potentially dangerous to her baby brother … yes, the one still leasing space from me. Chances are very remote, but it could cause him to have severe anemia amongst other things. So I was summoned to the lab yesterday (after work) to give blood to see if I am immune and if not if I have been exposed. We should know soonish.

After that, I went home to pass out in bed for a while. Normally I get Tabby and she naps with me, but she has been so ridiculous about the naps since the Binky Fairy came that I left her with her sitter. Matt got her a while later and foolishly tried to get her to lie down with me which produced much screaming and woke me up in the worst part of a REM cycle. I swear I never did fully wake up and spent most of the evening horizontal either zoning out or watching bad TV.

I did, however, manage to stand up long enough to make incredible cinnamon rolls for dinner (we had eggs too, don't worry) cuz Jenn told me to.

3 Replies to “Another Day”

  1. Don't worry too much. You have better chances of winning some great prize than your little guy having issues due to Fifths…I wouldn't be at all surprised if you're immune.

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