Tabby at 22 Months

It has happened again! I blinked and she's knocking on the door of TWO YEARS OLD. What the heck? It feels like a long time since I did a Tabby update, but it's probably only been a couple of months. It's just that the months have been really busy!

She looks more like a little girl to me now than I can believe. The pigtails which she will now leave in and even requests (ditto pony tails) make her look so grown up. She's moved on to a size 6 shoe (what the heck!??!), although she's still lingering around 22 lbs and size 18 months. Though I did finally let out the elastic tabs on some of her pants.

The biggest recent changes haven't been physical though … no, they're mostly mental (developmental). She is talking like crazy and can mimic any word just about perfectly. Gone are the days of saying “sawr-sawr” for “sorry” and “shau-shau” for shower. Both are pronounced correctly and I hate it. And more than just pronouncing them, she uses them correctly! There is hardly a need or thought that she doesn't seem to be able to communicate to us, which is awesome. It seems to alleviate a lot of frustration with all parties concerned. And some of the stuff she comes up with floors me. A week or so ago when I lost patience putting together one of her little IKEA chairs, and grumbled about it, she patted me on the shoulder and said, “Mommy k?” She now also seems to understand the sad and scary tones of a movie (like Lady and the Tramp). I also find it fascinating to watch her play. She's so into cooking and caring for her babies right now and that seems to be what she defaults to, but she's also getting really into drawing and painting and now she's finally building something with her blocks instead of just destroying what we build. She also knows how to ask for what she wants to do which is frequently “watch …” and the particular show. The Barney DVD her sitter got her for Christmas is on heavy rotation (lord help me). She also requests that we snuggle or rock her sometimes and in addition to kisses and hugs, she'll say “love you” to us. That melts your heart in about a second flat.

I am super excited for Tabby to have a sibling as well. She is so interested in babies and likes to kiss my tummy and say hi to the baby (she came up with this herself after we told her where he was). I am looking forward to the baby for his own sweet self, but also for Tabby. I think (hope) she's going to be nuts about him.

3 Replies to “Tabby at 22 Months”

  1. Har to believe already. I still remember when she was born and it doesn't seem long ago.

    Wow…I just got updated info on my 11 month old gal and she is 22 lbs. Holy moly. My girl is huge and yours is the delicate flower :0)

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