Must I?

Today is back to work. To say I'm not really looking forward to it doesn't quite cover the issue. We had a very nice break though, even if it wasn't as long as I might've liked (is it ever?). I had a few very lazy days hanging around the condo in Vail while Matt skiied. Tabby was in a pretty good mood most of the time and even took a couple of naps with little or no protest. She is also obsessed with her Barney DVD her sitter got her for Christmas. With my MP3 player at 11 I can totally drown him out, though, so it's OK.

The main thing I'm excited about going back to work for is getting back on our routine. It's been weeks of anything but our normal schedule and it's taking it's toll on everyone, but no one more than Tabby. Our usually excellent night sleeper has been waking up and wanting cuddles and reassurance. Sweet as it is, no one is getting excellent sleep. And I WANT SLEEP. I think getting back on schedule will help immensely. Beyond that, I like my routine and I'm sick of eating out too often (thus spending $$) and never being at home. I miss Loki and Tivo.

3 Replies to “Must I?”

  1. I hear you on the schedule-upset! For two weeks, Jackson was waking up around 11, needing to be comforted. When we were at my parents, I just gave up and let him come down and play with the rest of the family. Two nights ago, we decided ot let him cry himself back to sleep (it gets so much harder to do the older they get!!) and last night he blissfully slept through the night. I hope it lasts!!

    What a drag that you have to go back to work, but I bet you're right, it'll be nice to get back to normal again.

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