Back in the Groove?

I was thrilled as I assessed the upcoming months to see how little we have on the calendar. Totally manageable. Of course there's plenty to do with Christmas coming up and we've got our hands full with some other things that are going on, but still … less on the calendar is good anyhow.

In other news, I seem to be a bit better since hitting second trimester. I am nauseous less … I'd hate to jinx myself by saying it's gone away entirely though. I think I'm less tired too. I've actually felt human a few times and freaked out about this or that thing I've totally let slip (housework, maybe?). I really need to get on the ball because a lot needs to happen before this kiddo arrives … like finishing our basement so Matt has an office. That would be lovely.

Tabby turned 20 months old on Tuesday and I am just in awe over her. She is such a little chatterbox right now and is getting amazingly good at making her needs known by stringing together 3 or 4 words at a time. Please and thank you are even among them… sometimes. Potty training has stagnated and she doesn't seem to have the least interest in even trying. I am reluctant to force the issue, but I would love to get her out of diapers before the baby is born. Might be a fool's errand, but I am thinking it is doable, since we recently realized that she is staying dry (?!?!) overnight. 3 out of 3 nights suveyed. Surely not a coincidence given the amount of fluids she drinks even close to bedtime. I would also love to get rid of the binky before too long. She is way attached to it though and I admit to being a bit chicken in the matter. It looks like a long struggle.

The weather has been amazingly mild here so far. Usually we have at least one snow by Halloween, but so far nothing. The Farmer's Almanac predicts we're in for a chilly, snowy couple of months, though. Good thing I bought new boots.

2 Replies to “Back in the Groove?”

  1. Getting rid of the pacifier won't be a long struggle. Everyone always thinks that and it never seems to be.

    Potty training is so hard. I just KNEW LG would be out of diapers when the twins arrived…and she still isn't. It makes me sick…I'm so tired of changing diapers!

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