Election Wrap-Up

Well the election is over. Aside from being glad that all of the direct-mails and commercials will stop bombarding me, I am glad to see an end in sight to the era of W. I was not a fan of his (and Cheney's) attacks on our civil liberties and their spending habits (resulting in big government). Obama certainly has a steep climb ahead of him. I was not sad to see him win, but I am not firmly in the cult (I use “cult” here truly not to be derogutory, but really for lack of brain to come up with a better term) of Obama, either. I tend to back off and get all skeptical when someone's super popular (except with Harry Potter – he rocks) … just how I am. I sincerely hope he is the change our country needs and will do wonderful things during his term. I enjoyed his acceptance speech as well as McCain's concession speech (thought it was very classy). Now I wanna know what kind of puppy the Obama kids are getting.

I was also quite keenly interested in some of our local issues … and was overall disappointed. I'm not really for raising taxes, but a couple of the best ammendments in my opinion sought to raise taxes for good purposes and I had hoped they would win. But it seems like anything that even hinted at more taxes got killed. So too bad for disabled people and school kids. You're SOL until the economy improves.

Also … am I reading this right?? Is it true that on the same day of these big historic changes that we as a country passed 3 ballot measures to ban gay marriage? One in CALIFORNIA no less? I will never fully understand people. I understand that voting Democrat and approving of gay marriage don't necessarily go hand and hand, I just thought, y'know … birds of a feather and all.

Anyhoo, now that I've alienated all my readers, I will traipse off to kick puppies and such. And re-do my blog theme.

5 Replies to “Election Wrap-Up”

  1. I think if lived in the States I would be in the Obama cult.

    I too was surprised at some of the propositions that passed and failed.

    Your politcs amaze me…you, as a people, are given quite a lot of say. For us the right for gay couples to get married was decided by the former Liberal government, and it was across the country. Even though the governent of the province I live in said they would invoke a not withstanding clause they didn't. When the conservative gov't came into power federally revoking it was a non issue.I think people quickly realized it doesn't impact them personally.

    I bet they will get a lab or a retriever.
    Sorry for the long comment!

  2. Yeah I was a little stunned that the ban passed as well. It was really too bad.

    I heard that one of the Obama girls has bad allergies so I'm voting on a poodle!

  3. I know what you mean about his popularity. I'd often take time out and wonder is I was being brainwashed or something because I've never been such a fan of a candidate. I think it's more of the feeling that he inspires, though. Poor guy. He has a mess to deal with now.

    Brianna is very interested in the puppy news too. She votes for a Bichon Frise.

    We had a similar prop here in Arizona. It was to make an amendent to the AZ constitution to redefine marriage as only between a man and a woman. We voted no on it but it still passed. I knew it would. I was shocked about California, though. Also shocked at the Arkansas one about adoption. Yikes.

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