Is it weird that I'm excited for tomorrow? I'm hardly ever excited for Monday. It's been something of a long weekend. Tabby and I had fun at the pool on Friday except that it was 95 degrees out and Tabby had little to no interest in the pool. It had this giant bucket that filled up and then dumped and Tabby was terrified of it and spent most of the time in the sandbox. Where it was hot. And not refreshing. By the time Tabby was ready for bed, so was I.

Saturday was actually a really great day. Matt and I had gym date in the morning. We hung out and did treadmill and weights and then I hit step class. After the gym, we showered and such and met our friends at an Indian restaurant downtown and the babies (all three!) ate their fill of Indian food. Then we went to Mikey's job site (a public housing project) for a quick tour and headed home. Tabby and I got a wonderful 2 hour nap together and then my sister picked her up and she spent the evening at my parents' house. Matt and I had date night. We went to watch Get Smart which we LOVED LOVED LOVED (we loved the original series too). We laughed like crazy. Then we went to the small Italian restaurant down the street from our house. That was sort of disappointing … my pasta was a it over-cooked and the vodka sauce tasted … not like vodka sauce. And our waitress was kind of … off. Oh well. We didn't do dessert there and had wine and s'mores in our backyard at home. We ended the night with a long walk around our neighborhood.

Today just never really … gelled. We met my mom and sister and Tabby at Snooze for breakfast which was fun. Tabby was cranky and tired all day but wouldn't really nap. So we let her nap in the car while we ran a few errands. We realized later she was running a slight fever … she's cutting a molar … and she did finally go to sleep around 7 PM. And it's just about my turn.I spent time at some point recently (Friday maybe?) goofing around in Photoshop after I saw Carol's cool selective color photo. It was really fun to play with and I've enjoyed some of the results. We're thinking about getting some framed. So that's that …

One Reply to “TGIM??”

  1. I'm glad most of your date night was a success. I absolutely hate it when you don't get to have a nice dinner out very frequently, and then the service and the food sucks.
    That photo is awesome!

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