Friday! Yay!

Another bizzzzzy day yesterday. Of course. Ran all over town, dropped off dinner to friends, picked up our CSA shares, Tabby screamed bloody murder through a very abberviated visit to Noodles & Co., I bought a new dress at Target (cuz I'm posh like that) and (due to long phone calls with various people) didn't get to bed 'till almost midnight. But I have a very abbreviated work day then I get to go play with Tabby. We have great plans for the evening – NOTHING. Tomorrow nothing is planned either, except date night! With my husband! Hope y'all have a great weekend.

Marisa tagged me (I have a cracky Mutt, know what lychees are and like rodents) for this meme… so here goes.What were you doing five years ago? Hmm… good question! That would have been summer 2003. I was living in WI and finally starting to defrost after a freaking COLD winter.

What are five things on your to-do list for today?
1) go to the pool with Tabby
2) have a nap
3) clean up the kitchen
4) sit down and relax for as long as possible
5) find a place for Loki to stay next weekend

What are five snacks you enjoy?
1) fruit
2) dried fruit
3) crackers
4) popcorn
5) jell-o pudding cups

What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire?
1) Travel. Travel. Travel.
2) Buy a slightly larger house for us.
3) Assist various family members with $$ problems.
4) Let Matt spend a bundle on “toys”
5) Buy my own island.

What are five of your bad habits?
1) not being able to let things go
2) taking some things too personally
3) chewing gum
4) grumping at Matt for not cleaning up
5) drinking diet coke??

What are five places where you have lived?
1) Denver, CO
2) Nashville, TN
3) Baltimore, MD (just for a summer)
4) Madison, WI
5) uhh… that's it.

What are five jobs you’ve had?
1) babysitter
2) cashier/prep cook @ family restaurant
3) web teacher @ computer camp
4) academic director @ computer camp
5) research assistant

Tag! You're it if you …
1) have a cute baby.
2) live in the south.
3) used to call Indiana home.
4) love the Muppets.
5) think 90 degrees is rather cool

4 Replies to “Friday! Yay!”

  1. Ah… a weekend with nothing to do but date night. Sounds like bliss. The problem with weekends in the summer is that they're never free for me. I think I'll do this meme soon. I love the Muppets!

  2. Wish Loki weren't so far away. THat would be one welcome pup here…well, maybe not by the cats but definitely by me

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