The Summer of Hilarious and Implausible Tan Lines

Yes, another extremely busy weekend has passed me by. 'tis sad, but true. What'd we do, you ask? This … and that. Errands, like always. We got our second CSA share on Thurs evening and now we have so many greens I have NO CLUE what to do with that they're about to spill out of the fridge. After work today I'm hitting the library to pick up two cookbooks that deal with farmer's market cooking. Hopefully that will jumpstart my imagination. Either that, or I'll be eating nothing but salads all summer.

Saturday we went to a family friend's wedding party. I call it that because they got married in Hawaii and this wasn't wedding or reception, but a shindig afterwards to celebrate. We had a very nice time … it was at a historical house with large grounds surrounding it and Tabby got to run amuck to her heart's content AND eat wedding cake. Really, does it get any better than that?

I actually put on make-up before the party which happens, literally, only about 10x/year (if that). So imagine my surprise when yesterday she took my blush brush out of the drawer in the bathroom and started brushing it on her cheeks! She repeated with a lipstick on her lips! It was sooo cute and really made me realize that I've got to be super careful what I do in front of her because after ONE TIME of seeing me apply makeup, she mimicked. Yikes. That's pressure, folks.

We also went hiking (just 2 hours this go-around), and running and tried to go to the pool. But big fat rain droplets started falling upon us as we arrived and so we went home. Tabby was so tired she could hardly stand up and she went to sleep BEFORE 5 PM last night. I had no idea if it would be a nap or a full night's sleep and I wasn't surprised when she woke up around 6:30. We hung out for a little while and then she wanted to go back into her room … I tried to read her a book, but about 2 pages in, she pointed to her crib, so I brought her over and she pointed again. I laid her down in it and she waved 'buh-bye' to me. I didn't hear from her again until 6:30 this morning.

Oh yea, we also had the most amazing breakfast EVER.

UPDATE: My mom reminded me that she's seen grandma put on makeup probably a dozen times before. So … clearly not the first time to see blush in action, but she did remember where I kept the makeup paraphernalia after only one iteration.

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