Let's Go to the Movies

While at a baby boutique checking out the Phil & Ted jogger, we were presented with free passes to go see Baby Mama. For Tues night. I am not a big fan of doing this sort of thing on a weeknight because they're busy enough and we have to find a babysitter, etc. etc.

Buuuut … I wanted to see this movie. A lot. I love Tina Fey … and Amy Poehler and the plot line intrigued me. My dad and sister were kind enough to watch Ms. Tabby and we brought my mom along and had a great time. It lived up to – even exceeded – my expecations. I had no idea Steve Martin was going to show up as the CEO of a Whole-Foods-Like chain with long grey hair and an over-the-top (in the best sort of way) hippy dippy persona. The dialogue was good and really funny. And the story had some unexpected twists and turns that made it really fun.

I highly recommend you see this movie … it's due out on Friday!

5 Replies to “Let's Go to the Movies”

  1. I'm so glad you gave this a good review, because I've been wanting to see it too, and I couldn't decide based on the previews if it would be a waste of money. I love Tina Fey.

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