The Goings-on

I am revelling in a few moments of quiet time here while I wait on “musical” hold for the pharmacy to figure out if they can fax me a transaction record so my cafeteria plan debit card doesn't get taken away (guys – I LOST A RECEIPT. The HORROR!). It has been mad around here lately. What's been going on?

* We started swim lessons yesterday. Tabby really enjoyed being in the water … but she didn't appreciate the freezing cold locker rooms. We have another session on Wednesday … I am planning on making Matt join us so we can get a few photos.
* Matt is in the final stages of Tabby's bookshelf. It is looking great.
* My project for Tabby is completely at a standstill. There have just not been enough hours in the day to get it all done. I'm vaguely upset about this, but maintaining my sanity seems more important.
* Sometime between now and Saturday, I need to concoct approximately 3 dozen cupcakes: yellow cake with chocolate pudding centers and chocolate frosting … nicely decorated (I have purchased a cupcake courier for transport). Anyone know a faerie I can call to assist? No boxes or cans of frosting need apply.
* The CSA situation has been sorted out. We went with Abbondonza Organics. Hopefully it will be a great summer.
* I couldn't have picked a better time to read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. If this book can't inspire and convince you to buy local organics, I don't know what can. Required reading for anyone who eats.
* Laundry is a never-ending circular beast. I hate him and his minions, folding and putting away (I have permanently banished ironing in this kingdom).

4 Replies to “The Goings-on”

  1. I know those darn receipts really are a pain.

    I hate laundry too. I hate leaving the apartment to do it. And I almost never fold and put it away. I am so bad. I just mentioned ironing in my post.

    Glad projects are coming along.

  2. I don't iron… everything we buy is wrinkle free… mahahahaha… I'm good at doing the laundry… not so good at putting it away… I really want to do CSA but out here the pricing is just nuts!! I can't justify spending $600 to 800 for the summer for veggies…

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