9 Years of Us

9 Years ago today in a dorm at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN, this guy stole my heart. We've had lots of laughs … a few tears … and more good times than I can count. We've lived in three states together. We've been married 5 years. We've taken dozens of trips and shared even more adventures. We agree a good deal of the time and like to disagree a bit. We complete each others sentences and get the same tune stuck in our heads. We drive each other mildly insane. We still make each other happy. And we love our newest and possibly greatest venture together … being parents. It's been a joy and a thrill.

9 years is roughly 1/3 of our lives. How sweet it's been to spend it with you … an amazing man, an amazing father and my best friend. Here's to many many more years.

Life's better because I get to share it with you. Happy anniversary.

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