Window into the Past

Remember when I told y'all I joined facebook? Well, as tends to happen, I've reconnected with a few people from my past lives: a couple from college and one from high school.

Last night, the friend from high school and I had coffee. We hadn't seen each other in nearly 10 years! That just makes me feel old … to think that there are (plenty of) people who I used to know that I haven't seen in 10 years. Mon dieu!

Where was I going with this? Oh yea … well we met at Starbucks and chatted for over an hour. He was similar to how I remembered him, but, of course, more mature/adult/whatever. I guess 10 years does that to you. He'd kept up with just about as many people as I had (a handful or less), but it was interesting to hear what some of my ex-compadres were doing with their lives. A high school reunion interests me about as much as it ever did (i.e. practically 0), but it's been nice to look back on the past a bit and I wouldn't mind doing it some more.

“All your past experiences add up together, bit by bit, to make you the person you are.”

4 Replies to “Window into the Past”

  1. That's pretty cool, Jess. I've kept up with a couple of people too. One in particular (she was my best friend back then). I'll run into somone every once in a while and I keep it in mind for when I see my old best friend.

  2. I am always amazed by how *few* people I know from high school and college are on FB or MySpace. But I have reconnected with a few good friends and that has been really nice.

  3. I keep in touch with a few people but it's really sporadic. Though one of my friends (who was also one of my bridesmaids) found me via Classmates a couple of months ago. I have about the same amount of interest in a high school reunion as you do. I graduated with a class of 600 + and the guarantee that the people I want to run into will be there is about 0 to none.

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