
I bet you all thought I was abandoning you for real this time. Nope, I've just been away. We had our third-annual crazy cookie weekend in Vail. We left Friday afternoon and got back last night. Loads of snow. Even more cookies. Three babies. Six episodes of Ugly Betty watched. Hot buttered rum. Fun times with great people. And one amazing ski day.

We had originally planned on coming back on Sunday, but after the amazing amounts of snow that the mountains have been receiving over the past week or so, we decided to take Monday as a ski day and I'm so very glad we did. I got to ski with my dad and my hubby and my mom was sweet enough to spend the day with Ms. Tabby (I think both of them had a great time). The weather was clear and sunny. The snow was beautiful and it was hands down one of the best days of skiing I can recall.

The house is a mess. We have no food. We have no clean clothes. And I could not care less.

Loads of photos here.

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