Explosion of Activity

It seems as though her four-month checkup spurred some kind of “firsts” explosion. When we took her in on Friday, we were telling the doc that she hasn't rolled over yet. The doc said “she will soon enough, she's showing signs of it right now.” She was too, doing her darndest to disprove us right then and there. She also caught up the tongue depressor the doc had lying on the table and proceeded to pass it back and forth between her little hands, something we hadn't really noted her doing before. And that very night, she reached her goal and rolled herself from back to tummy just as she was drifting off to sleep. She wasn't a bit pleased about it either and fussed until we got over our amazment and turned her back over. We'd noticed her grabbing for things before, but now she's gotten really into it and has become (as I described to Matt) a little grabby monster. I had her sitting on my lap on Monday morning at the desk and she grabbed everything within her reach and promptly dropped it on the ground once she had it. She also successfully knocked over my iced tea at dinner on Mon night.

But even more astonishing is that her level of alertness has increased even more. Instead of falling asleep on the hike this weekend, she was awake and alert and cooing for over half of it and when we went for a walk on Monday, she stayed awake for almost two hours while we went out and walked. I kinda wish I could see the world through her eyes.

7 Replies to “Explosion of Activity”

  1. Yeah, the Mini started rolling over inconsistently a couple of weeks ago. He does it when HE feels like it and then gets all mad because he's on his belly. I'm kind of glad he hasn't turned over in his crib yet, I mean, I know that the risk of SIDS goes down, but man, that's a whole 'nother anxiety for me to worry about when he starts sleeping on his face. I keep trying to get him to pass things between his hands, but he's like “pfft, hand me that sandwich, lady.” (and haha, as I write this, he's like passing his teething ring back and forth. little turd).

    Isn't it nuts the way they start doing things literally overnight?
    We gots some good kids.

  2. Woohoo! Look at Miss Bright-Eyes. I can't believe how fast she is growing. It seems like she just got here to me :0)

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