Tourist Weekend Pt 2

Sunday was hike day, of course, but our group doubled in size since we were watching Liam and FeBe and Kelly and Erica tagged along. We went back to Corwina Park which is now officially one of my favorite hikes. You go through such variant terrain and I love the babbling brook that's along the trail for the first mile or so. It was a nice hike made more difficult for me because of the step class I'd attended on Sat. Still nice though.

Afterwards we got ice cream and took the babies home for naps. Soon enough, it was time for Kelly's birthday dinner at The Fort.

And just like that, the weekend was over. Loads more photos here and here. Sorry for the slight darkness in the photos. The camera was set wonky and they were slightly under exposed. I'm too lazy to correct them all though. Just imagine them brighter.

And the tourist fun continues next weekend when we head to Mesa Verde and Sand Dunes.

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