Welcome to the World

As some of you might've heard by now, we welcomed Ms. Tabitha Faye Nichols to the world this morning at 4:20 AM. As you might guess, it was something of a long journey, but needless to say, worth every moment of it. We are absolutely elated to have the newest member of our family here and so proud to call her our daughter. We have spent most of the day dozing off and on in our hospital room and learning how to be a family of three. We're so in love with her it's incredible. We'll share more later. Thanks for all of your emails and comments.

34 Replies to “Welcome to the World”

  1. She is beautiful, just beautiful. I was thinking you would be back at home by now after delivering on Friday… I certainly hope you haven't been laboring for three days- oy! She is so beautiful. So beautiful… Finally I can stop the constant refreshing!! Can't wait for more pictuers and “The Birth Story” Congrats.

  2. Oh my goodness!!!! Congratulations the two of you and hello Ms. Tabitha!!! I love your daughter's name!!! One of my favorites! Thank you for sharing.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the world, baby girl! I hope that you'll like it here. And welcome to motherhood, Jess … absolutely the *best* and most *amazing* thing ever. Ah, I'm so teary! I figured that you'd had her on Friday!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS! Hello, Ms. Tabitha Faye, we've all been waiting to hear about you!

    Gosh, Jess, how long was your labor? I thought you'd have had her since Friday. I thought once I read the news, I wou'dn't be stalking your page, but I'm going to continue to do so for a while.

    I am sooooo happy for you and Matt. Again, congratulations! I'm tearing up here looking at your picture. It is so tender, she is so lovely and I LOVE her name! Take care! I hope to read more soon . . .

  5. Congratulations Jess and Matt! I'm so excited for you both, Tabitha is a beautiful little baby and lucky to have such cool parents- I can't wait to meet her when I'm out in Denver.

  6. She is beautiful! I can't stop looking at her! Sorry you had so much trouble Jess! Tabitha is lucky to have had your loving touch, Matthew! You three look perfect together!!!!

  7. I forgot to say earlier … I love that picture of the three of you. It's so sweet how your husband is leaning down to talk to her. She looks like a super cutie!

  8. She looks absolutely wonderful, and so do you and Daddy. What a lovely family! CONGRATULATIONS! Happy, happy wishes to you three from us three!

  9. Eeeeeeeeee! See what I miss when I take a break from the blog world?!?!

    Welcome, welcome, welcome little miss Tabitha! What a fantastic name! I have to get caught up on the entries – but I can't wait to read all of your mom's gushing over you. 🙂

    Welcome to mamahood, Jess!

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