Celebrity Dish

In these days of TomKat and Bennifer II, who can resist a little celebrity dish, especially when it's so hilariously written that you almost pee your pants?

Check out GoFugYourself (not dirty, like the title might suggest) for all the fashion dish, including:

* this snarky comment on Jude
* poor Katie
* letters from Brit & Kevin

Loving Pink is the New Blog as well. Lotsa great celebdish here.

Perez Hilton seems to be the meanest celeb-dish-blog out there …check out their tribute to Brit on her b'day.

Much much more on Gossip Blogs.

Is this the Face of a Juvenile Delinquent?

Apparently so. See, little Loki has been going to doggy daycare since we got him fixed. He loves it. He gets to play with loads of other dogs. We love it because he comes home so tired there is little room for mischief making. But there's one teensy little problem.

Loki has been picking fights at doggy daycare. Not just one or two. Lots. Usually with larger male dogs. He's starting to see the people there as his people and the place as his place and so he's getting protective of them. We already had him take a two-week break, hoping that this would cure his attachment to the place, but it seems like it was for not.

So now I'm madly searching the internet trying to figure out how to cure this little aggressiveness problem. Because, I swear, if he gets kicked out of doggy daycare, I'll go postal.

The 101 Continues

It's been a while since I blogged about anything on my 101 even being in progress, let alone done … but things have been happening!!

* Loki, through not just my efforts, but Matt and Mike's as well, has learned to sit on his haunches with his paws in the air, to “beg” for food. I think this counts as a really cool trick. I still want to teach him to close the door after he lets himself in, but all in good time.

* All photos in the queue have been added to Jesser and I have kept on top of new ones I've taken. I need to take some more though! Continue reading “The 101 Continues”

Jess's Holiday Gift Giving Guide Part 7?

Hi all, and happy Black Friday. In honor of America's own SHOPPING HOLIDAY, I'm presenting you with the last post in The Holiday Gift Giving Guide Series. Today I'll tackle and excellent topic for all of you on a budget or trying to fill a stocking.

Under $10/Stocking Stuffers

In Sudoku, in case you haven't heard, you get a 9×9 grid and in each row or column, you have to have all numbers, 1 thru 9, no repetitions. You get a few numbers to start and you have to figure out the rest. Tricky, but not too tricky, and lots of fun. These, and other excellent puzzle books (logic and jumbles are household faves) are available EVERYWHERE for under $10, even starting at $2. Pick them up in the magazine section at Walmart or your grocery store.

Continue reading “Jess's Holiday Gift Giving Guide Part 7?”

I'm Thankful For ….

♥ a warm bed on cold nights and even warmer shower the next morning
♥ a job that i like and great people to work with
♥ time to spend with friends or reading a good book
♥ a big black dog who thinks he's a puppy and a lapdog all at once
♥ laughter in spades
♥ a husband who is not only my best friend, but my willing accomplice (if not instigator)
♥ amazing friends and family who I get to share this day and the whole year with

As Seen on Lifehacker

Since I discovered LifeHacker earlier this year, nary a day has passed without me visiting this beacon of “lifehacks.” Some of my recent faves:

* secrets of the organized family
* the monkey calendar
* find an xBox 360 for sale near you (the nearest one to me is in Nebraska, lucky I don't care.
* color match redux
* what the font
* remove stamps with nailpolish remover
* is a hybrid worth it?
* foldershare, which allows you to sychronize a set of folders OVER the web (i.e. from home to office, etc.)

Check out LifeHacker. You're sure to enjoy.

My Weekend

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, folks. I had one of those days at work and I really really really didn't have the time. Anyhoo, I'm back today.

My weekend was MOST excellent. Friday, we had excellent dinner @ PF Chang's and then we saw Harry Potter! I really enjoyed it and thought that Mike Newell & Steve Kloves did a very good job condensing a 800 page book into a 2.5 hour movie. The one part that I didn't like was after the goblet releases Harry's name, Dumbledore like runs in the room and smashes Harry up against the wall and chokes him and demands to know if he put his name in the goblet. Which is SOOOOOO not Dumbledore. But whatever. I can get past that. So that was way cool, except the part where we stood outside in the snow, queuing up for the movie. 😛 That kinda sucked. Continue reading “My Weekend”

Auto Dog Walker

Despite our best efforts, it seems that we are never able to give Loki enough exercise. He always wants to go, go, go. Epically on weekends and when he can’t go to Doggie Daycare. We had joked about getting him a treadmill so that he “walk himself” but never thought about it seriously. Well, today, Jess ran across these sites http://www.jogadog.com/dc5.html and http://www.colbypitbull.com/treadmil.htm which are makers of dog specific treadmills.

Evidently there are two types, unpowered carpet mill and powered ones. Maybe we’ll have to get Loki one for Christmas

The Great State of Colorado

My uncle sent this to me and I had to share. I also had to make comments about which of these are true and why and which are not and why.

1. You switch from “Heat” to “A/C” in one day. Totally true. Have done this many many times. Short and sandals in the middle of the winter? Definitely not unheard of.

2. You know what the “Peoples Republic of Boulder” means. Yep! This refers to all the “liberals” or “granolas” down in Boulder and the general Socialistic atmosphere.

3. Your sense of direction is: towards the mountains and away from the mountains. Absolutely true! I know where to go by streets as well (Denver is very griddy and most streets run NS and EW) but the mountains are my landmark … whenever I'm away I feel sort of lost. Continue reading “The Great State of Colorado”