The 101 Continues

It's been a while since I blogged about anything on my 101 even being in progress, let alone done … but things have been happening!!

* Loki, through not just my efforts, but Matt and Mike's as well, has learned to sit on his haunches with his paws in the air, to “beg” for food. I think this counts as a really cool trick. I still want to teach him to close the door after he lets himself in, but all in good time.

* All photos in the queue have been added to Jesser and I have kept on top of new ones I've taken. I need to take some more though! * Parts for the computer we're going to build together are on order, though this one isn't done, it's in the works!

* We hired a very nice lady to clean our house every other week. This has freed me up to do organizational things (not that that's happened too much so far) and not use my Friday's to freak out and clean when I get home.

* I benched 100 lbs for 3 sets of 10 reps! wahoo!

* I'm half-way thru 101 days strait of exercise.

* I visited the Boulder Farmer's Market this summer, which I didn't particularly enjoy, since it was small and kind of anti-climatic

* We had my cousins over for another cousins night … we ate Chili and watched lots of movies and played games.

* I went an entire month (without even meaning to) without playing Sims. Practically a miracle … but I've been THAT busy.

* We got all of our short term, long term and retirement accounts squared away.

3 Replies to “The 101 Continues”

  1. An interesting fact about my hiking sneakers I thought you'd enjoy. They are actually from Colorado! They belonged to my coworker's nephew in Colorado! I thought you'd get a kick out of that.

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