New Meal Monday

Well, we did successfully cook a new entree this week. We did a Rachel Ray 30 minute meals. It was her “Meatballs and Saabs: Things to Thank Sweedes For” menu. It consisted of Sweedish meatballs, noodles and a salad with romaine apples, radishes, onions and creamy poppy-seed dressing.

We dutifully took our (slightly more than) 30 minutes and cooked it up. Well, verdict was … nothing bad. But nothing very good either. Our favorite part was the noodles! The salad on its own wasn't bad, but the dressing was too much and too sour-creamy. The meatballs needed something … more. They were just sorta flavorless. We may try it again and see what we can do to it, but for now, it remains decisively out of Matt and Jess Make a Mess.