Movin' On Out

OK, so WI is a nice place for someone, and we love the apartment we've got here, but the time has come to say, “G'bye Dairy-Cow-A-Gogo-Land!” We've both been looking for work in Denver, but we haven't found it yet. However the lease is running out and it's about to get very very cold here. So we've taken one of those leaps-of-faith that are so very very hard for practical, logical, vulcan-like people (wasn't that a nerdy reference) like Matt and I to take … we're moving to CO at the end of August.

My sweet Mutti and Vati have been uber-generous and are allowing us and the puppy to stay with them while we get things all settled. I think they might even be kinda excited about the prospect. I know I am. So now we're making plans and packing and whatnot. We've got a big ol' Penske truck lined up and my excellent daddy has his trucker's hat and a jug-cup of coffee ready so he can drive it.

Also, as part of the most-excellent plan, Mutti and Vatti and little sister will be coming to have a nice last hurrah with us in the Cheese-State. We'll go ride the Wisconsin Ducks and visit IKEA and maybe the Jelly Belly factory (in deference to Matt).

6 Replies to “Movin' On Out”

  1. Yeah! Going back to my ol' home state. The shopping is so much better in the Denver area now. You might miss IKEA, but you'll have the Great Indoors. I think they are in Broomfield or Westminster. You'll also have Chipolte! And Coors Field! And the amazing Rockies! And Fat Tire Beer! And Peaberry Coffee. The list goes on…
    Have fun – best of luck with your move!

  2. Good for you guys! This move has been a long-time in coming. I'm happy for ya'll. Hopefully, I'll see you sometime soon!

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