Longest Week Ever!

I can't believe it's only been a few days since Sunday!! This has been such a long week. I think it's mainly been long because my days bled so seamlessly into my evenings. Usually it kind of breaks the two up when Matt gets home. But this week, he hasn't been home before 10 PM any night and most it's been closer to midnight.

It's supposed to be a pretty nice weekend (for Madison in April) and I want to be OUTSIDE. I also want to go try out the climbing gym that I found. It sounds like fun. The cheap movie theatre near us is also showing one movie I kind of want to see, Something's Gotta Give.

Right now I'm busy clearning the house. It's been a wreck since we got back and I definitely think I just need to get it good and clean. Not this half-way stuff I've been doing. I like to have a nice clean place before the weekend. That way it's easier to get it back to decent after we trash it all weekend. Wild parties … you know how it is.

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