I Want Summer!

I've got cabin fever, bad! I wanna be outside, outside, outside! I wanna swim. I wanna rollerblade. I wanna walk down to the library again. And truly, it's not too cold to do some of those things right now, but I just don't enjoy it as much when it's not nice and sunny and I've got to bundle up.

People are always skeptical when I tell them that Colorado is warmer than Wisconsin. Don't get me wrong. Colorado can get cold. Very cold. But the big difference is that it doesn't stay cold. All during the winter, you get little temperature hikes. It'll get up in the 40s for a few days. And when you get to this part of the year, it gets up even higher than that sometimes … in the 60s. Snow rarely stays around for more than a couple of days. Wisconsin on the other hand … gets cold and stays cold. For weeks, months … it's just so depressing.

Okay, now c'mon Sun!

One Reply to “I Want Summer!”

  1. Are you from the Colo? If so, me too. You're so right about the sun…I never felt deprived when I lived there. Connecticut has been so darn blah. Where's the friggin sun?

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