I'm moving Jesser to a different server so there might be outages over the next couple of days. Stay posted. We'll be back.
Film on the Rocks
Tonight kicks off another season of Film on the Rocks. At the world-famous Red Rocks Ampitheatre, they start out with live music and then sum up the evening by showing a new-classic film right on the rocks in the beautiful Colorado night.
To kick off the season, they're showing one of my all time favorite movies, Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. I'm so excited to see this!! I never saw it in the theatre, and I can't imagine anything better. Except perhaps The Princess Bride playing 2 days before my birthday!!!!
I ♥ summer!!
Democrats are for the Middle Class?
The Democrats have long sought to portray themselves as the party for the middle class while casting the Republicans as the party for the wealthy. However, a report by the Democratic think tank/non-partisan not-for-profit strategic advocacy organization, Third Way, “Unrequited Love: Middle Class Voters Reject Democrats at the Ballot Box,” paints a different picture.
If the report is correct, even though the Dems attempt to cast themselves as the party for the middle class, this group actually votes Republican. For the purposes of this report, people in families making between $30,000 and $75,000 are middle class. Third Way reports that Bush won this group by 19 points in the last election. Democrats showing with white voters was the poorest. According to Third Way, staring at $23,700 per year, a white voter was more likely to vote Republican than Democrat. Contrary to logic, whites making more than $75K per year were more likely to vote Democrat than those making $50 – $75. While whites are firmly in the Republican camp, Hispanics are beginning to move away from the Dems. Kerry only won Hispanics making $50 – $75K by 2%. This move is fueled in part by a increased wealth in the Hispanic population. Black voters are the only group who consistently votes Democratic despite income.
Based on income and pure numbers, i.e. not thinking about race, the Democrats do best with the poor, then the wealthy, and worst with the middle class.
**I don't remember where this number came from, I may be wrong, but I read that the top 1% of income earners vote overwhelmingly Democratic.
Continue reading “Democrats are for the Middle Class?”
A Blogging State of Mind
As you can tell, I haven't been much for blogging recently. This week to be more exact. Matt's been in Cali, so I've had extra of everything that needs to be done around the house to do, and I've been waaaay busy at work, and work part deux, so I have not been blogging at all. I can't wait for the weekend when I'll get SOME relaxation. We're taking my mom to brunch and the spa tomorrow to celebrate a late mother's day so I'm really looking forward to that. But even more, I'm looking forward to my Matty coming home tonight. I don't know why, but these 5 days were waaaay longer than the 12 he was away last time. I missed him so much!
All Aloney On My Owney
Matt left for Cali again yesterday. For some reason I felt more alone this time than I did last time. Maybe it's cuz my parents are out of town as well. They'll be back tomorrow though! Anyhow, so I won't have to deal with an uber-hyper doggie when I get home, I dropped Loki's cute little furry butt off at doggy day-care this morning. I've been watching him scamper about and hog the kiddie (doggie?) pool on the web-cam all day long. It's hilarious. It looks like he'll be fried by the end of the day and won't give me a bit of trouble when I put him to bed. He loves doggy daycare so much. He tries to force his way to the car whenever I leave for work and he whimpers (in excitement) the whole way there. It's darling. Continue reading “All Aloney On My Owney”
Friday the 13th
I can't honestly say that I think Friday the 13th is all that unlucky or 13 at all, for that matter. My dad's dad, who died when I was in Jr. High sort of held 13 as a lucky number. I personally remember one stormy Friday the 13th in high school when I was driving home from work and I ran my car off the road. That sounds unlucky, but believe me, I had narry a scratch on me and my car was pretty much the same. All the same, I'll be minding my Ps and Qs superstition wise.
Tag! You're it!
Ani tagged me!
The idea is to pick 5 and complete the sentences, then pass this little meme on to 3 more of your blog pals! But no tag backs!
I will tag …. Yvette. I'd also love to tag Meg Cabot cuz I think she'd have some pretty funny answers too. Continue reading “Tag! You're it!”
On Sunday, after shopping with my mom all day, I stopped on the way home to get some gas. It was raining, and I was in a hurry, so when I parked and ran my credit card, not noticing that my car was too far from the pump. Annoyed, I got back in my car and moved it in range. I got my gas and went on home. Today, I realized after searching some pockets and my car, that my card is (at least for now) lost and I've got to cancel it. D'oh!!
Bucket Head

The adventures of Loki continue. Last week we had him fixed. He was supposed to not jump or lick his stitches for 4-5 days. I got him one of those satellite dish looking collars to prevent the latter. By day 4, he had torn it to shreds by running it into a door. He was healing well tho, so I just let it go. I kept on top of him, but you can't be with them every moment, so I got a call from Doggy Daycare yesterday telling me that he was all swollen and I should call the vet. They let me bring him by and prescribed asprin (for pain) and benadryl (to make him sleep) and also, a new satellite dish collar. I didn't want to buy one though, since the first one was $20 and BROKE. But my mom had the solution. When she and my dad had their samoyed, she broke her leg and they had to prevent her from licking her stitches, so they cut the bottom out of a bucket and punched holes in it and laced it into her collar. So that's what I did for Loki. About 15 minutes and $1.99 for the bucket and he cannot get to that area if his life depended on it.
To Sorry:
To Sorry, the sorry person that left me a rude comment on my Friday's blog. If you look at both of our wedding pages you will notice that I was married on 17 August 2002. LJC was married on 5 June 2004. My wedding page was online long before she ever got married, she'd probably tell you herself. So why don't you do a little research before you make accusations about anyone stealing anything. Hers is a much more popular site than mine, no doubt about it, but that doesn't mean that I stole ANYTHING from her. So chill out. The internet can police itself just fine without you. Continue reading “To Sorry:”