Film on the Rocks

Tonight kicks off another season of Film on the Rocks. At the world-famous Red Rocks Ampitheatre, they start out with live music and then sum up the evening by showing a new-classic film right on the rocks in the beautiful Colorado night.

To kick off the season, they're showing one of my all time favorite movies, Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. I'm so excited to see this!! I never saw it in the theatre, and I can't imagine anything better. Except perhaps The Princess Bride playing 2 days before my birthday!!!!

I ♥ summer!!

2 Replies to “Film on the Rocks”

  1. What a good idea. I was going to ask you who was playing but I clicked on the link. I'd go see Monty Python. You know, I've never seen any of the Indiana Jones movies in a theater. I'd never thought about that.

  2. Hi Jess!

    I was working in the theater when Raiders was on the big screen. [old lady, I know*:] Definitely, it has to be one of my favs, also.
    And, last night, I partially watched AFI honor George Lucas. Almost made me tear up.

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