It's kinda rare for me to go this long (5 DAYS) without an update. But I think it's good testament to what's been going on lately. We've just been GOING constantly.
Friday was Avenue Q which was every bit as funny as I remembered. That combined with dinner was the entire evening. Saturday was spent mostly in preparation for my mom's group picnic, which I was helping to host (though not at my house, since approximately 10 people would fit in my back “yard”). The picnic itself was a lot of fun and it was great meeting more people in the group and their spouses and kiddos. After a long nap (for all three of us) and some pizza, I went to see House Bunny with my mom and sister. It was not much of a thinking piece, but it was fun.
Sunday we anticipated doing errands and laundry and laying low and watching football and we did a lot of that. But unfortunately, I awoke with a horrible headache that I could not shake all day (sinus-stuff related, I think) and so I sort of felt crummy and we didn't get a ton done.
Towards the middle of the game our friends called and invited us to dinner so we could meet his grandma who was in town for a couple of days. So we switched gears hit the road to meet them at the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. We caught the end of the Broncos game on the radio. They WON by 1 point on a 2-point conversion in the last seconds of the game.
Dinner was great. Tabby and Liam were really cute together. They both talked on pretend cell phones to each other and then later, Tabby fed Liam pasta off her fork.
After we got home, I felt pretty crummy again … headache combined with some nausea and dizziness, and I went to bed early and had weird, fitful sleep. I feel better this AM, but my head is still a bit clogged. If I had any vacation days I'd probably be at home.