It's been a busy week full of this that and the other thing. We had big news yesterday … my sister passed her bar! Which means that on Oct 27 she will be sworn in as a member of Colorado's Bar Association (she assures me that it's a greater honor than being a part of the American Honky Tonk Bar Associaion). This comes on top of her having acquired a position as a clerk to a judge in a local municipality's court system just last week. This weekend she took a significant pay cut and will be dog sitting for Loki for $35/day (plus pantry privileges) this weekend since we are taking Matt's family into the mountains this weekend for a repeat (plot wise) of what we did last weekend.
And not that this really belongs in the same league or anything, but we also seem to have found one thing that trigger's Matt's food allergy. I don't know if I've mentioned this or not, but Matt will suddenly get sick one evening, throw up once and be fine after that. I had suggested it was a food allergy and urged Matt to keep a note of what he'd eaten just before these incidents. The past two times it's happened: CostCo pre-made burgers. My theory is that they put dye in them or something that he's reacting to (because beef surely isn't the culprit). I will be hounding him to have a patch test done soon.
There's one more bit of news to share, but it will have to wait 'til tomorrow. Until then ….