Big Week!

It's been a busy week full of this that and the other thing. We had big news yesterday … my sister passed her bar! Which means that on Oct 27 she will be sworn in as a member of Colorado's Bar Association (she assures me that it's a greater honor than being a part of the American Honky Tonk Bar Associaion). This comes on top of her having acquired a position as a clerk to a judge in a local municipality's court system just last week. This weekend she took a significant pay cut and will be dog sitting for Loki for $35/day (plus pantry privileges) this weekend since we are taking Matt's family into the mountains this weekend for a repeat (plot wise) of what we did last weekend.

And not that this really belongs in the same league or anything, but we also seem to have found one thing that trigger's Matt's food allergy. I don't know if I've mentioned this or not, but Matt will suddenly get sick one evening, throw up once and be fine after that. I had suggested it was a food allergy and urged Matt to keep a note of what he'd eaten just before these incidents. The past two times it's happened: CostCo pre-made burgers. My theory is that they put dye in them or something that he's reacting to (because beef surely isn't the culprit). I will be hounding him to have a patch test done soon.

There's one more bit of news to share, but it will have to wait 'til tomorrow. Until then ….

Fun with Links

I really enjoy posting links, but I usually wait so long in between that they're completely out of control and the posts takes me forever. I'm going to attempt to do them more often and in manageable chunks. Maybe weekly or bi-weekly.

• Ford is coming out with up to 8 programmable keys that can limit things like maximum speed and radio volume in their cars.
• This is a really comprehensive list of advice for flying with little ones. I didn't agree with it all or find it all to be accurate, but it's very interesting and makes a lot of good points.
• Gmail cares and is trying to help put an end to drunk emailing.
• This idea for decorating a pumpkin coach is really neat and original.
• This artist is doing a still-life every day and auctioning them on her website.
• Check out these apartments in Japan – they're designed to keep residents mentally and physically agile.
• The search is over. Matt needs to build this for Tabby.
• I had to laugh (and cry a little) over this graphic depicting the immigration process in the US.

Welcome to October

After the crazy week it was great to get away and have fun. We trekked up the hill to Vail with my parents, sister and some family friends. We did very little besides enjoy each other's company, watch movies, eat good food, play games and hang out.

Matt was ecstatic because his bevloved Commodores pulled off their 4th fifth (Matt corrected me) straight win of the season and climbed to #13 in the rankings. Tabby was ecstatic because she got the attention of seven adults and the run of the house. I was ecstatic because I did no laundry, cooked and cleaned only minimally, slept a lot and relaxed even more.

I was very glad to see that we did not receive much of the promised snow. I am loving fall but not quite ready for winter. Plus, it would not have made our drive home terribly pleasant. As it was, an accident with a semi (caused by early morning slick roads) was still being cleaned up and caused us an hour delay coming home.

Another busy week awaits, I'm sure.

Thank God It's … Wait?!? Only Thursday?

Work has been a mad-house. I sort of mean that in a good way since I kind of thrive on confusion and work well under pressure, but on the other hand it's been going on for too long now. Our big go-live is next Monday, so things will hopefully slow down just a bit then.

Tabby is feeling much better (actually, I think she felt better from the moment she emptied her tummy). Thanks for all your well wishes. She was seriously ticked that we fed her bland junk for two days and never exhibited another sign of sickness, except possibly a being a bit more tired than usual (though this fluctuates so much it's hard to tell).

We have out of town company this weekend and next and it will be a lot of fun. The visitors haven't seen Tabby in 6 months or more. I can hardly fathom how much she's changed since March. It will be a nice break from “real life” though I'm not taking any vacation time (I don't have any to take!).

Now I just need to get through today and tomorrow and we'll be good. Hope everyone's week is going well.

Scared Yet?

I couldn't quite decide between a Halloweeny-theme and a political theme for this fall. So I decided to merge the two. I think it's fitting, especially since the state of our country and the election in general scares me a little. Plus, I can't help but dig on the purple orange and green color scheme.

Kudos and props to BrandiJasmine for the pumpkin stencils that I used to make my graphic pumpkins. Check it out if you want a presidential candidate (or other political figure) sitting on your front porch come this halloween … well … their likeness as carved into a pumpkin, anyhow.

My goal is not to offend or stir up debate … just a little tongue-and-cheek levity for the upcoming month. Hope it makes you laugh … or at least smile.

The Goings On

• Last night for the very first time, Tabby peed in the potty (incidentally, you know you're a mom when 3 exclamation points follow this statement)!!! She's been interested in all things bathroom for quite a while now and I picked her up her very own potty a while back which she'd sit on, sometimes with and sometimes without a diaper and last night she actually peed! Of course we made a huge deal about it.
• I picked up my platter last night. It turned out *so* cute. I'll have to post a photo or two of it sometime later this week.
• I can't believe September is almost over!! We've got out-of-town guests the first two weekends in October and we'll be away both weekends entertaining.
• We have not yet found a Halloween costume for Tabby … she liked a Little Red Riding Hood costume that we saw at Target, but they didn't have it in her size. I was pulling for the pirate girl, but the kid has a mind of her own (and it leans towards frilly and pink!).
• We did the nap thing again yesterday and it didn't work quite as well, but it was still an improvement over other days.
• Tabby now sees it as her daily duty to feed Loki. When we got home early yesterday and I denied her request to feed him, she about had a cow.
• Ugly Betty and The Office return tomorrow! Yay!!!
• Tabby's new words for the week: horsey (maybe this was last week), mouse, Loki, tacky (thanks Mom and Kelly), juice, potty
• Turns out Clay Aiken is gay … shocker.

One of Those Weeks

I didn't do much better with the blog this week than last. It's just been one of those weeks. Work's been better, but home has been crazy.

Tabby, I can only figure, must be going through something, because she's been a mess this week, very grumpy in the evenings when I finally get to see her. We've had lots of screaming and grumping and you can just see how tired she is, even when she gets a nap. She's also been eating quite a bit again, so I'm thinking … growth spurt. But that's been a bit draining.

The only night she wasn't in a state was when we went to Supper Club. Our mom's group broke into a couple smaller groups to do supper club 1 night a month. Only 3/5 from our group were able to make it, but it was pretty fun and Tabby loved playing with the other kids.

As usual, our weekend is jam-packed. I have a paint-your-own pottery event tonight for my mom's group, which I planned, so hopefully that will go well. We've had a few drop out due to babysitter issues, but we should still have a nice small group. Then tomorrow night we're celebrating my cousin's 18th birthday with the family which should be a lot of fun. And in between there will be tons of laundry, some organizing, (hopefully) the fixing of our garage door and some football watching.

Have a good weekend.

I ♥ Links

It's been ages since I've posted links … but I haven't stopped collecting them! For your enjoyment …

HP Smart Web Printing stops you from wasting paper and ink on junk you don't need … check it out.
• Can't figure out how to describe this gadget … you'll just have to see for yourself.
• Check out PleaseDressMe, an Indie T'shirt search engine.
• more treehouses to love
• Deter would-be sandwich thieves with these clever moldy bags.
Flump (presumably short for Flickr Dump) downloads your photos from Flickr – could come in handy if your hard drive disintigrates!
• check out these t'shirts encouraging our schools to teach the controversies in the world of science
• Possibly the cutest sticky-tabs ever!
• I'm always on the lookout for new good workout music: here's a list of the top 1000 workout tunes Continue reading “I ♥ Links”