Link a Little Link a Lot

So … a few links I've gathered from the goodness of the web.

• First things first … drop what you're doing and go read my Cousin Ryan's hilarious (and well-written) accounts of college life with his roommate, Duffman, in Bro and Tell parts 1, 2 and 3 … actually makes me kind of nostalgic for college

on to the normal variety links …

• DIY microwave popcorn in a brown bag
• gotta love the satelleite photography alphabet
• I think I might need one of these cool light switch racks
• interesting sneaky card game designed by a kid from Australia
• terrifying portraits of child beauty queens
• will we all be part Duggar one day?? BoingBoing has the answer
• a long, detailed article about vaccines vs. pseudo science … very good read
• I love the wardrobe in this cool room

Holiday Weekend Recap

What a great weekend! Usually, I do not work on Fridays, but with all the snow, Matt out of town and having to take Ben to the doc’s, etc. I was behind on hours, so my mom watched the kiddos and I went into work. It was one of those days where the stars aligned and I was super-productive. And in the middle of the day, mom and the kiddos showed up because we were having a Halloween Chili cook-off at work. It was a fun event and I look forward to doing it again next year. I did not win … don’t think I got even a single vote. Competition was pretty stiff … and I got a great new recipe for Chicken Chili. Yay.

Saturday everyone got up early for some reason and we had some breakfast and before I blinked we had to rush off to take Tabby to her first dance class. I will not say that it was an unmitigated success. She went AWOL twice and showed up in the parent’s viewing area saying it was time to go. But we sent her back in and I think she ended up enjoying it.

After dance and lunch, sister Kelly and I headed out to do the grocery shopping with Ben while Tabby took her nap and Matt carved pumpkins. Once we got home, we went on a cooking marathon, making bacon squash bites (yum!), Halloween Supper, and pumpkin chocolate chip squares (that turned out more cakey than I think they were intended to be due to a crying baby and a stand-mixer on auto-pilot). Dinner turned out fabulously and so did the pumpkin, which took Matt around 5 hours. Seriously.

After dinner, we drove the kiddos over to visit their sitter and she gave them candy and plied us with wine and cheese. Then it was back to our neighborhood where Ben stayed with my parents and eventually fell asleep and Tabby, Kelly, Matt and I went trick-or-treating. Tabby did very well with her script and only grabbed a huge greedy handful once or twice. She also refused to wear a coat.

The night ended on a total sugar-high heading into a bit of a meltdown, but overall, a very successful Halloween. Sunday … well more on Sunday later.

Halloweeny Links

• Halloween on a Saturday kinda rocks … think I must make Vampire Pancakes!!
• there are a couple cute ideas (raining cats and dogs) in this round up of no-sew kids' costumes
• I usually make Halloween Supper, but I've been thinking about switching it up this year and this menu looks pretty good!
• some advice on photographing Halloween costumes
• some fun Geek Costumes
• some very nice Halloween wall paper to spruce up your computer
• there are quite a few great Halloween shirts available on shirt.woot … with expedited shipping they might even make it in time for the big day

… and links completely unrelated to Halloween

• I think Yvett definitely needs this Hello Kitty House!
• gotta love these Rosie the Riveter Bookends!
• I really dig this pretty printable chore chart
• I have no idea how to describe this, so you better just look at it!
• some simple ways to improve your photography – no new equipment needed

The Status Quo

I am hoping *knock repeatedly on everything wooden I can get my hands on* that we are over the sickies. Nothing remains of my illness except a bit of charming mucus and a bit of a raspy voice. It has been suggested to me repeatedly that this is “sexy.” Not sure I agree. Matt is mostly mended as well except for a few sinus headaches. It seems like the kids have missed whatever ailed us, thank goodness. I was worried on Friday when Ben seemed to be running a low-grade fever and fussing (with the cough he already had), but so far, it hasn’t developed into anything more and I pray it stays that way. I’d 100x over rather be sick than have the kids sick.

Obviously, we had a pretty low-key weekend. I end up missing my cousin Tana’s benefit gig on Friday to stay home with Ben. I really hated to miss it, but I feel like I did the right thing staying home with him. Matt and Tabby did get to go and enjoyed themselves hugely.

Saturday we made it to our friends’ Halloween party, which was great. They put a ton of effort into the planning and decorations and it really showed. Matt and I dressed up as two Geek Squad team members, which was easy and went over pretty well. The best costume we saw was a friend of ours who went as Octomom … long black wig, big sunglasses and a sling with 8 baby-dolls in it. Total crack-up. There were also 2 little mermaids with 2 King Triton daddies in their entourage. Tabby had a great time, but was more than ready to go home around 8:30. Two late nights in a row are hard on that girl, nap or not.

The rest of the weekend was spent running the bare-minimum of errands and catching up on laundry and house pick-up.

To Do List

1. catch up at work
2. start work on freelance thing
3. blog
4. stay away from FB
5. answer back email
6. write change log
7. make dinner for meal train
8. get photos off the camera (esp. that adorable one of Ben in his frog towel)
9. halloween costumes for Matt & I
10. exchange Tabby's ballet slippers (why did I get black??)
11. make sure Ben's costume fits him
12. return Tabby's shoes to Zappos
13. laundry … always laundry
14. finish report
15. pick up more tissues for hubby @ store
16. pick up kiddos
17. drop of dinner
18. seriously contemplate back of eyelids
19. praise the lord that my week ends on thursday


So Friday morning, after a week (or two?) of feeling kinda meh (that lingering cold sort of thing), I woke up feeling pretty OK. I got myself and the kiddos dressed and we met up with Grandma and GiGi (that's great grandma for those of you not in the know). We went to Holiday Mart (fun!) and lunch and then we took GiGi home. About halfway from GiGi's house back to mine, I started feeling extremely tired. Then achy.

When I got home I turned it all over to Matt and headed straight to bed. There I proceeded to pass out for the next several hours and spike a temp of 103. Yay!

I spent pretty much the entire (gorgeous) weekend in bed. Coughing. Having a fever. And chill. And aches. Monday too. Tabby demanded to go to Grandma's on Saturday morning and spent pretty much the entire weekend there. Smart girl. Despite not feeling 100%, Matt tended to me and Ben. He is now sick with the flu. I think I'm starting to feel better (oh please, God, oh please) and fortunately the kids seem not to have caught this flu and just have their lingering snotty noses (knock on wood repeatedly, oh please, God, oh please).

Cuz this is supposed to be a busy week. I've already cancelled like 5 things. I would prefer to cancel only like 1 or 2 more. Y'know … the things I didn't really wanna do anyhow.

Of course, one good thing has come out of this. I actually read an entire book. The paper variety (as opposed to the audio variety that are currently my bread and butter). Yes, while lying in bed freezing and drifting in and out of sleep, I read Dan Brown's latest book, Lost Symbol. Man does that make for some weird fever dreams.

Bad Blogger

I can't seem to keep up with the blog right now. Bullet quicklike:

• stayed home from work yesterday to nap and perhaps get rid of my cold
• mostly napped, may have played some computer games in between naps
• also may have gotten caught up on Top Chef, or as we're calling it this season, Top Ceviche
• feel about 100% better this morning than I did yesterday morning
• weather has turned cold
• supposed to snow this weekend
• only good thing about snow: skiing
• made an apfel struedel last night … and spreched a little Deutsch
• Tabby cracked us up regularly last night and then told us not to laugh
• did meal train (pumpkin pasta again) for a friend of mine who has a 2 month old baby, had gallbladder surgery and broke her arm – yikes!
• would very much like to be fireside with a nice cup of tea … but at least I can have the tea and sit near my space heater

Happy Thursday

Menus and More

Ah. The start of another busy week. I am in the midst of trying to stave off a cold by my formula of vitamins, sleep, water and workout. We'll see how that goes since the most important element, sleep, is a precious commodity at our house.

The kids are cute and doing well. Tabby seems to have settled on ballerina for a Halloween costume. I hope Ben will be a pirate for me some day. The great part about Tabby's costume is that we already have most of it for her dance class. I'm going to tie up her hair in a bun and lace up some pink satin ribbon around her little legs for the full effect. I'm sure it'll be cute … though freezing, since CO is mostly known for snow on All Hallows Eve.

Here's what's cooking this week:
Sunday: were going to make one thing, ended up making pigs in a blanket (Matt and Tabby couldn't have been happier)
Monday: burritos
Tuesday: eating out (class)
Wednesday: Mushroom Tofu Cheese Strudel
Thursday: Shrimp Creole
Friday: Mushroom Beef Barley Soup