The Status Quo

I am hoping *knock repeatedly on everything wooden I can get my hands on* that we are over the sickies. Nothing remains of my illness except a bit of charming mucus and a bit of a raspy voice. It has been suggested to me repeatedly that this is “sexy.” Not sure I agree. Matt is mostly mended as well except for a few sinus headaches. It seems like the kids have missed whatever ailed us, thank goodness. I was worried on Friday when Ben seemed to be running a low-grade fever and fussing (with the cough he already had), but so far, it hasn’t developed into anything more and I pray it stays that way. I’d 100x over rather be sick than have the kids sick.

Obviously, we had a pretty low-key weekend. I end up missing my cousin Tana’s benefit gig on Friday to stay home with Ben. I really hated to miss it, but I feel like I did the right thing staying home with him. Matt and Tabby did get to go and enjoyed themselves hugely.

Saturday we made it to our friends’ Halloween party, which was great. They put a ton of effort into the planning and decorations and it really showed. Matt and I dressed up as two Geek Squad team members, which was easy and went over pretty well. The best costume we saw was a friend of ours who went as Octomom … long black wig, big sunglasses and a sling with 8 baby-dolls in it. Total crack-up. There were also 2 little mermaids with 2 King Triton daddies in their entourage. Tabby had a great time, but was more than ready to go home around 8:30. Two late nights in a row are hard on that girl, nap or not.

The rest of the weekend was spent running the bare-minimum of errands and catching up on laundry and house pick-up.

3 Replies to “The Status Quo”

  1. I'm glad you're feeling better, and I agree with you totally about preferring to be sick then to have your kids sick. Way less work!

    That Octomom costume sounds hilarious. I've heard going to Halloween parties as Jon and Kate (with a stroller full of dolls) is popular too this year.

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