Now I Can Blab

So jury duty is over and MAN am I glad. Now I get to tell y'all about it. Not talking hurts me physically… I swear. Anyhoo, I got picked to be on a case where the charges were “sex assault on a child under 15 years by someone in a position of trust” and another count where the charge was the same as above “with a pattern of abuse” attached to it. Pretty, no? And let me tell you … JUICY. Basically we had mama's boyfriend who became like daddy to this young girl and then took advantage of her. It largely came down to a he-said-she-said thing, and we heard tons from here (she was a very believable witness) and nothing from him … apparently the defense was worried that when we heard about his prior felonies (nothing to do with sex assault) that we'd assume he was guilty right away. Honestly, I think it could have helped him. But in addition to all the testimony, we had some physical evidence in the form of DNA (and might I say … eeeew!!) and we were able to find him guilty. Assuming none of the inevitable appeals go through, he stands to serve a minimum of 10 years … and a maxiumum of … well in CO it can be endless since it's a sex crime. We have indeterminate sentences for sex offenders, so the judge can basically pick a number and no one will let the guy out until they're sure he doesn't pose a threat anymore.

I'm so glad to be done with this … now I can just go back to my regularly scheduled life.

PS. That post was supposed to go up yesterday and didn't for some reason, so sorry 'bout that. Regular posting should be resuming now … hehe.

3 Replies to “Now I Can Blab”

  1. That would be such a difficult case for me. I don't think I could be open minded to hear everything. I hear child abuse and asume guilty right away. I mean, having kids you spend all your time trying to keep them safe, so something like that makes me furious. I'm glad it's over for you now.

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