What a Weekend

This weekend kind of reminded me of what weekends were like before the kids were born. We did a lot, though nothing real specific. We spent LOTS of time at home. We cooked. We cleaned. We ran a few errands.

Friday Tabby and I sent Ben off to preschool and went for a duathalon (she rode her bike and I ran). It was halting and slightly frustrating, but we got into a rhythm and had a nice time. Then we had a smoothie at our local coffee shop. We had a trip to Target, lunch and then we watched a movie. Before we knew it, Matt had arrived home from his trip (YAY!) and he picked Ben up on the way home from the airport.

Tabby and I had picked up the ingredients for some blueberries and cream cookies (we left out the white chocolate chipsĀ  – I forgot them and they aren’t a favorite anyhow) and the kids were eager to bake – with Daddy. Eventually Kelly joined us and we spent the rest of the evening watching movies and hanging out.

Saturday we spent most of the morning hanging around the house. We made some pumpkin pancakes that were pretty good. Then the kids played around while I embarked on my epic project, cleaning out my office. I have a very nice office, but it has 2 walls of built-in cabinets. They are great in theory. But in practice they are too deep to be effective and objects don’t look well displayed in the bookshelf tops and things get lost in cabinet bottoms. Ideally, we’d remodel the whole room, but it’s an expense we’d rather avoid right now. So every once in a while (and this time it’s been years), I have to excavate, reorganize and toss a whole bunch of crap.

It’s long, involved, and not much fun. So since breakfast was late, we decided to do an early dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant. After that, we headed to IKEA and the kids played in Smaland while we went a hunting for a new chest of drawers for my office. We looked at a few other things too and eventually made it back to pick the kids up and head home. We stopped by my parents’ house on the way to water their plans (they’re on a trip). When we got home, the kids played while Matt and I fixed Tabby’s shelf and built my cabinet. I did some more work on my office and then had to give it up for some R&R. We watched a few eps of our newest fave, Warehouse 13.

Sunday was more lovely time at home. We did run grab groceries, but that’s about it. We made a couple of Shepherd’s Pies and a batch of Ham Egg and Cheese Fondue for the kids to have for breakfast this week. I made more progress on my office. It’s not done, but it’s vastly improved. I will hopefully continue work on it over the next couple of days. I’ve got big stacks of stuff for the library, Goodwill and, unfortunately, the landfill. After dinner, we took the kids to a new froyo shop for a treat.

It was so nice hanging out at home for the weekend. We really need to do it more often.

One Reply to “What a Weekend”

  1. Sounds very nice and sort of like my weekend. Very slow and nice. Movie night with a friend on Friday at our place, took my mom to the movies on saturday, cleaned out my/Niel’s bedroom, made dinners for the week, picked out Olivia’s clothes and put together her snacks and lunches for school, Saturday took the kids to lunch at Panera and then went to the bookstore, Sunday had a picnic at the park, kids ran around on the playground and played at the foot of a beach(all at one park).

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