Tabby at 6

Tabby6Yesterday got away from us, like so many days do. There, happily, is just so much living to be done that I couldn’t fit in an update on her sixness on the day of her birthday so now I will recall. Tabby spent most of her sixth birthday in one of her favorite places – kindergarten. She got to be VIP which means she got to help with the calendar, lead the line and other various honors. After school, she played with one of her new favorite toys, a set of “fashion” stencils my mom found for her that allow her to “design” clothes. I came home and she told me all about her day and then we picked up Ben from school and went to swim lessons, another highlight of any day for Tabby. Dinner was the pizza quesadillas she requested, served while watching Phineas and Ferb. She had a hedgehog cookie to finish. After dinner, she wrote a thank you note (to the sender of the hedgehog cookies), cleaned the (real) hedgehogs’ cage, opened a present from Matt and I and read a book to me. Just like that, the first day of her 7th year was done.

This day epitomizes Tabby at this age. She is doing so much and having so much fun doing it. Her enthusiasm for everything is wonderful. I can’t help but marvel, and in some ways lament, at how quickly it’s gone by. But every day, I see what an amazing, kind, thoughtful, creative, positive, and loving little girl she’s become and I’m happy. We’re so so lucky to have her in our family.

Tabby at Six Stats:

Favorite Outfit: skirt (and shirt) or dress with leggings, boots
Favorite TV Show: Phineas and Ferb
Favorite sport: tossup between swimming and skiing
Favorite leisure activity: drawing and pretend
Favorite food: sushi, mashed potatoes, steak, Berry French Toast, potato soup …
Favorite books: anything Grammy brings from the library or anything she can read herself
Wears: size 13 shoes, size 5 clothes

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