

We spent the weekend at my Aunt and Uncle’s mountain house. We had a wonderful time. Unfortunately, we had to beat it back to Denver to handle a ton of things and get Matt ready to leave for his business trip.

06:30 – Got up with the kids and stared getting packed up.

07:30 – Made breakfast for the group

08:00 – Consumed breakfast, started cleaning up the kitchen.

08:30 – Clean up, pack up, make beds, load car.

09:30 – Hit the road.

11:30 – Arrive at our lunch destination (yay!), eat lunch.

12:15 – Head to the grocery store for a few items.

13:00 – Arrive home. Naptime for the kids. Matt and I unpack the car.


13:30 – I make brownie truffle pops for a surprise for the kids on Valentine’s day and work on Tabby’s b’day invites. Matt works on cleaning up the house and laundry.

15:00 – We watch an ep of Big Bang Theory and fold laundry. Continue reading “Nonstop”

A Hot Mess

Almost 8 years ago when we first adopted Loki, the world’s crackiest Lab-mix, I had one hell of a week. Matt was traveling, Loki was chewing everything in sight, and I couldn’t sleep. During the course of that week, I gave myself second degree burns on my hand when I took a plate that had just been in the oven from one counter to another without a potholder. I also lost two credit cards in two entirely separate events – both related to my manic levels of distraction. There were also a handful of more minor events that have now been lost to the annals of time.

The past couple of weeks, I’ve had a reprise. All credit cards (so far as I know) are safely in my wallet and my hands look as well as they ever do, but I have been one hot mess. I have been constantly misplacing everything, particularly my phone and other mobile devices. I have left at least one crucial item out of my gym bag every morning this week, except Tuesday when I forgot to set my alarms and had to skip my workout altogether.

It all comes from being so busy that I can’t think straight. When I am not manically running around, I do things consciously. When I am it’s a completely free-for-all. Who know where my keys ended up? I probably handed them to Ben so I could pick up the swim bag or pour some goldfish into a baggie and that couldn’t have ended well.

To make matters worse, Tantrum Week (it’s a bit like shark week but with slightly less blood) continues at Casa Nichols. My sweet little guy went manic and hit someone with a block at preschool. The other kid bled. He was punished. We are told it’s “really not a big deal” since it’s his first infraction in almost 6 months there. But it sure feels like a big deal and I’m sure Ben’s “friend” would disagree. There was a 20 minute time out when he refused to put his wetsuit on for swim class and another one with Matt this morning. Everyone says I’ll appreciate this iron-clad will when he’s 16, but it’s hard to remember at this moment.

So if you see me this week, forgive the sunken-in-eyes and disheveled clothes. I’m just trying to keep all these plates spinning … and find my car keys.

Analog Fun


We are major criminals on the digital entertainment front. Between smartphones, tablets and iPods, there are six portable digital devices at our disposal (!!) and man do we make good use of them. We play games and watch TV and movies. Tabby has reading and math flashcards on them. We have books both for adults and kids on them and of course music! It’s not a bad thing. But it can be a pretty pervasive thing. The kids pick them up on an early Saturday morning to watch Phineas and Ferb and give us some much-needed sleep in time. They are the go-to entertainment while waiting for the other sibling to do his or her lesson. They are essential at restaurants, particularly if it’s a longer meal or if the kids are already out of sorts. But the requests for tablets or phones ALL THE TIME gets to me. I don’t want my kids to become those people. I don’t want Matt and I to become THOSE PEOPLE.

So we limit screen time, not only by how much they’ve earned but also by the virtue of it not belonging in most situations. The (home) dinner table is phone free with the exception of me checking in on and recording their chores at the beginning. It then goes away. Car trips are without the devices unless we’re driving more than 1.5 hours away. It’s far from perfect, but we’re really making an effort to unplug and be with each other.

At the dinner table, we have a box of Table Topics, Family Edition that we pull cards from and discuss. In the car and while grocery shopping and at restaurants, we play a bunch of different verbal games. ISpy is a perennial favorite as is “Guess Which Animal I Am?” I particularly like this one because it’s a good thinking game and really teaches abstraction. It’s still a little hard for Ben yet, but Tabby seems to really be picking up on the idea of asking broader questions to narrow down the field. We also quiz them on numbers and letters (math and spelling for T) and family facts like our address and phone numbers.

Wanting to add to the repertoire, I found a few other games I’m keen to try: Continue reading “Analog Fun”

The Lost Weekend

hedgie bath

I can sum up this weekend in just a few words:

  1. COLD. Terrible cold.
  2. hedgie bath
  3. semi-pathetic date night
  4. caught up on Downton Abbey
  5. Wreck-It Ralph (again, yay!)
  6. used book store, kids big fans
  7. sushi dinner
  8. Sunday=day of fits (Ben’s)
  9. laundry
  10. not watching the Superbowl
  11. homework


January in Instagrams

i365janI did it! Month one of my 365 Instagram project is complete and y’know what? It was easy. Taking photos comes pretty naturally to me and since I always have my phone with me? Yep. Slam dunk.

Favorite Tabby Photo: love the one of her with Snowball (18), but I also love her expression as she’s headed to her friend’s party (12)
Favorite Ben Photo: his expression in the one with Loki (20) is priceless, but I love what the one of him swimming (29) represents

Favorite non-kid Photo: have to love on my Hedgie Noms canister (19)

Can’t wait to do February!!

Continue reading “January in Instagrams”