January in Instagrams

i365janI did it! Month one of my 365 Instagram project is complete and y’know what? It was easy. Taking photos comes pretty naturally to me and since I always have my phone with me? Yep. Slam dunk.

Favorite Tabby Photo: love the one of her with Snowball (18), but I also love her expression as she’s headed to her friend’s party (12)
Favorite Ben Photo: his expression in the one with Loki (20) is priceless, but I love what the one of him swimming (29) represents

Favorite non-kid Photo: have to love on my Hedgie Noms canister (19)

Can’t wait to do February!!

A key for posterity’s sake:

-2. love this photo of our winter gear ready to go, so I couldn’t let it miss this project by just a couple of days.

  1. the beautiful drive on the way up to Vail
  2. Tabby read for a day on the slopes
  3. me settled in by the fire with a good book (I Capture the Castle – still not done with that, I might add)
  4. Matt hiking his way up to a frozen waterfall
  5. Tabby at Beaver Creek
  6. Ben showing off his newly printed ski pass
  7. Ben heading to his second day of (successful!!) ski lessons
  8. my desk, already a mess only one day back
  9. first day back at bootcamp
  10. a display of cookies at D Bar from after our date night at the RV show
  11. a fun night of painting with some of my best girls
  12. Tabby headed to her friend’s birthday party
  13. Ben getting his own water
  14. Tabby writing in her journal
  15. the kids enjoying some froyo after being brave flushot recipients
  16. first skating lesson for Tabby
  17. Meet Hedgie and Snowball!
  18. Tabby and Snowball
  19. Hedgie Noms (by me)
  20. Ben and Loki looking sharp
  21. the concrete stamp from a building we built a year before I was born
  22. Hedgie loves books!
  23. Tabby’s pink skates
  24. Ben with a hairclip on his finger, proclaiming “This is what doctors do” – mimicking the pulseox
  25. the kids decorating cupcakes with their friends
  26. the kids looking cute at a birthday party
  27. seeking new dishes at Crate & Barrel after Ben killed off two of our bowls
  28. woooohoooo! snow
  29. Ben is alllllmost backfloating
  30. loaded potato (and cauliflower) soup for dinner
  31. Tabby making her own PBBH sandwich for lunch