10 Running Questions

Katie of runlongkatie and runner of insane 50 and 100 mile races I am pretty sure I’ll only ever dream of, tagged me to play a little game that originated at another of my favorite running blogs, Another Mother Runner. 10 Questions on Running. Thanks for the tag, Katie – here are my answers:

1. Best run ever: It’s so hard to pick a best run ever. My run at the Stonehouse 8 last year pops into my head – that was my first trail race and I really loved it. Fording streams, hurdling boulders, dodging cacti, falling flat on my face around mile 7. I also raced my best half marathon time last year (2011) at The Colfax Half and I did it without music, which seemed absolutely insurmountable when I started. But I had a great race and I was so happy to crack 2:15. Good times!!

2. Three words that describe my running: social, therapeutic, slow 😉

3. My go-to running outfit: For tops and bottoms it depends on the season, but being well-endowed, I can’t imagine running without a great workout bra. Moving Comfort’s Fiona is my favorite. Inside (on the treadmill) I usually wear a headband to keep my hair out of my face and outside I love the Sweaty Bands hats.

4. Quirky habit while running: if the going gets rough, I start repeating the same sentence or phrase over and over in my head – nothing particularly motivating, just words that pop into my head (“drug store sunglasses,” or “pink and purple elephants”) and I will also repeatedly count on my steps up to a certain number.

5. Morning/midday/evening: mostly morning though sometimes evening

6. I won’t run outside when it’s: Too windy!! The wind we get in my area is unbelievable – like blow away small dogs and patio furniture unbelievable and it makes running pure hell (at least against the wind). It feels like being on a treadmill and yet you know you should actually be moving forward. I’ve run in loads of other conditions including some pretty fierce cold. I also don’t really do ICE since I worry about my clumsy self falling, but luckily my favorite routes usually clear up pretty quickly so this is not usually limiting.

7. Worst injury and how I got over it: So far I’ve been really lucky to never have a major injury and now I’m finding some wood to knock on. My left heel is painful now and again but stretching it helps and it’s never kept me from running. Knocking on that wood again …

8. I felt most like a badass mother runner when: My kids wear my race medals around the house and proclaim they want to run with me in my next race and also anytime I finish a run over 10 miles.

9. Next race is: I’m running the Golden Gallop on October 7 … 5.280 miles around Golden. That will probably be my last race of the year.

10. Potential running goal for 2013: I am not entirely sure yet. I know I want to run (and actually train for) at least one half marathon – maybe Colfax or Platte River. I also want to run the T9K again. Lastly, I would really like to do a sprint triathlon. Whether or not 2013 is the year for that, we shall see. 2012 has definitely not shaped up the way I thought it would!

I’m guessing I’m supposed to tag, but none of my other bloggy friends (at least ones that are still blogging) run! I need to find some more mother runners (who blog).

One Reply to “10 Running Questions”

  1. I didn’t know there was a race at the Stonehouse. I’ll have to check it out. I will look for you at the Golden Gallop. We are usually there.

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