A Day on the Job


So yesterday I got to go on a couple of jobsite visits. We visited two sites on CSU’s campus where we’re busily renovating a library and an arena. It’s cool stuff. The arena is very much a work in progress still, but the library is almost done and it is really neat.

It has many cool touches, like a water bottle filler.

And these funny cubbies for working and relaxing.

They even have a giant bank of monitors solely for the purpose of displaying Google Earth data. Apparently there will eventually be an entire room dedicated to this with walls of monitors.

And let’s just say that the designer and I were definitely sympatico. The school’s colors are green and gold and everywhere they’d done some really cool furniture in the green color palatte. Some of it, like the couch above, is original from the 60s, just recovered in modern fabric.

Best of all, playing in with the 60s mod furniture, the designers used these cool placards for some of the doors with Mad Men style silhouettes. They are great looking.

Unfortunately, our guide told us that they are to be taken down because the woman’s is “sexist.” Err … I’m all for feminism, but I think I’m missing something.They just look like a more cool, stylized version of the standard to me. Too bad!