♥ Weekend

Is the weekend really almost over? It went by so fast!

The mercury was pushing the high 90s so Friday we went to the pool and stayed for hours. It was the only outdoors place to be, that’s for sure. It was so much fun hanging with our friends. That evening my family came over for Pizza and Downton Abbey (a great combo if there ever was one).

Saturday morning we had our friends’ boys with us. The kids played for a while and then we took them on a short expedition to IKEA where Matt and I looked for this and that and mostly didn’t find it. I did get a great new bin for Ben’s train tracks and some shelves for Ben’s room. The kids were hungry early and we took them to the restaurant for meatballs which they practically licked off the plate.

Saturday afternoon we had a birthday party for our friends’ kids. It was a nice low-key BBQ and we all enjoyed ourselves. Afterwards my parents picked up the kids for a date at Larkburger and a showing of Ice Age 4 – both were well-received. Matt and I meanwhile headed off to the 5th anniversary party for my gym, another nice lowkey BBQ affair. We hung around with all of my fab classmates and their spouses and celebrated Robyn, our awesome coach. We got to spend the rest of the night relaxing sans kiddos.

In the morning, Matt and I slept in REALLY late – I think that’s the first time in years I’ve slept past 9. Then we did stuff around the house – cleaned out the fridge, worked in the garage and hung Ben’s shelves. Then we hit the grocery store and went to get the kids. We ended up going out to lunch with my mom and before we knew it it was time to head home. Tabby had afternoon swim lessons. We had to rush to get there on time and as soon as we showed up, the pool was closed for lightning. Boo. Lessons rescheduled for later this week.

So now we are doing the Sunday night thing – getting ready for the week and doing just a bit more relaxing. It is quiet and nice.

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