Weekend oh Weekend

I still need to post about our amazing parties from last week, but I spent my weekend just having fun and relaxing. So maybe I’ll get to that tomorrow. I was so exhausted after the parties that I really took it easy on Friday … I hardly did anything. I folded some laundry, had lunch with my family and had one helluva nap. Mmmmm …. nap. That evening our friends and their three kids came over and we lounged at the pool and ate pizza and watched the kids play in the water. It was pretty darn nice.

Saturday morning we ate donuts and ran errands. Ben, the only child I know who begs for a haircut on a regular basis, finally got one.

After more naps, we headed to a BBQ again for work, but much more informal and very nice as I had to do NOTHING but show up and enjoy myself.

We didn’t stay longĀ  since we’d promised the kids we could head back to our own neighborhood which was having its “Hometown Reunion” this weekend – basically they put out bouncy castles and have a concert at our amphitheater. We missed the bouncy castles, but were in time to hear the music and chat up our neighbors and friends. The highlight of the event for the kids was rolling down the grassy hill near the amphitheater … at least until the sprinklers came on.

Sunday I finally got my wish to take out our bikes and we went on an adventure. We took the trail from just north of our house 5+ miles to the movie theatre were we got to pile into a welcoming AC’d theatre and watch Brave – which we ALL loved! It was the perfect break, complete with Diet Coke with Lime (the theatre has the new awesome coke machines) before we biked all the way back in 100+ degree heat. The hill at the end of it was quite terrible, but I made it (I was the one pulling the trailer) and I’d love to do it again. The kids were so much happier in the trailer than years before, making up funny little chants and singing.

We spent the rest of the day napping and recovering from the heat before grilling out and riding bikes around the neighborhood. It was such a nice, simple, easy weekend and I am looking forward to another before we’re away again.

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