Ben Speaks

That son of mine. Dang he’s cute. He knows it too and uses it shamelessly to get away with his mischief. Today he is 2 yrs, 9 months old which means he’s having a birthday in 3 months. For an update, I thought I’d share some of the funny things Ben says (there are MANY – I just wish I could remember them all).

Last night at the grocery store, he was riding along with me in the cart and a man near us sneezed. Ben: “Aww, man. You OK?”

Later on, still at the grocery store, he started singing one of Sissy’s favorite tunes. “Down by da baaaay. Where da wattamelons groooow. Back to my home. I didn’t go. Fo if I do. My mutter will say: Did you eva see a moose kissing a goose? Down by da baaaay.” Completely tuneless. Completely adorable.

Lately, all he wants to talk about is “going to the races.” I’m still not sure where this came from, but whenever we get in the car, “Are we goin to da waces?” We had a full-on break down over not going to the races (just to Target) last night.

He is also obsessed with his upcoming  birthday. “I write my name? On my birfday? Wike Sissy? At school?”

At dinner, he is quite opinionated. Sometimes he likes dinner. “I wike dis dinna. Mmmmmmmm!” Sometimes he doesn’t. “Mommy, dis dinner is icky! I no wike dis dinner.”

And he is never afraid to tell us what he wants. He is well known for getting out of bed and coming downstairs all on his own or going up to the fridge or pantry, opening it up and having at it. He will access a container of food (crate of oranges, container of muffins, bag of craisins) and then just leave it in the middle of the kitchen floor. Subtle? Sneaky? He is not. So I tell him that if he leaves the food in Loki’s reach, he will eat it. Ben says, “I share da food wif Woki.” Kudos on the sharing, kid. Tsk on inadvertently feeding the dog 21 muffins.

As funny as he can be, I love the sweet stuff that comes out of his mouth. You can’t help but melt, just a little, even when he’s being totally difficult when he says, “I wuv you, Mama.” Insanely cute, that kid.

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