Zone Slop

We’re in the midst of another one of those busy weeks that I didn’t plan on … it just sort of cropped up. Meetings, deadlines, travel, child-minding, a funeral (not for us, for our sitter), driving around way too much, sleeping way too little.

All the while, I’ve been keeping up with my ZONE project as best I can. I’d say I’ve been solidly 95% adherent. The hunger is either non-existent or terrible. I’m not exactly sure why it’s fine sometimes and almost intolerable others. But I think it probably makes sense to eat a bit more on days when I burn more calories.

I’ve been impressed with my ability to go without, though. I’ve had virtually nothing sugary since I started. I’m sure it’s really good for me and something I should carry forward when this deal is over. I do miss the carbs like pasta and bread. We eat pretty healthfully on a regular basis and we’ve been able to make some of our favorites zone friendly with little trouble, but on Zone you’re encouraged to make as many of your carbs favorable (like vegetables, fruits, and a few legumes)  as possible and eschew more processed carbs like bread and pasta and rice. So when you do have any of these, the portions are small. Like half a slice of sandwich bread small. Like 1/4 cup of pasta small. I’m not saying it’s a bad idea, but it is a big adjustment.

I’ve made two more recipes from the Zone Meals in Seconds Cookbook and both were decidedly a disappointment. The first was “Moroccan Chicken Stew” which involved throwing cooked chicken and some random cans of stuff into a stock pot and seasoning it with cinnamon and cumin. Since one of the things was Cream of Chicken Soup (Healthy Request, of course), I should have been very wary from the beginning, but I will use it in a casserole or two, so I went ahead. Loki was bountifully rewarded with sticky gloppy leftovers. The only good part of that meal was that Tabby helped me make it while Matt was on a conference call. Since it pretty much only required opening cans and stirring, she could do most of it and she love it. She of all of us liked it best (except maybe Loki). It’s something I’ve heard before, but need to remember going forward: kids like food more if they have ownership in it.

The other recipe we made was the “Apple Pie Spiced Oatmeal” – pictured above. Basically it’s cooked oats (I always go for steel cut because I like the texture best) with chopped apple, chopped pecans, apple pie spice and protein powder. Therein lies the problem: the protein powder. Through trial and error I’ve discovered that protein powder is best on oatmeal if you add it at the time of consumption. This calls for it before then and it does this weird thing where it kind of curdles up and makes a very bizarre texture. The taste isn’t too bad, but the texture is icky. I also felt like there was way too much protein powder for the amount of oatmeal – I’d rather have some eggs on the side than overload my oatmeal with the powder.

I’m done with 4 of 8 recipes from this cookbook. I plan to make some muffins this weekend, and a Mexican Chicken Chili and then Chicken Tetrazzini and Chicken Minestrone next week. Are you seeing a chickeny theme here? Yea, me too. Good news is we’re about half way done and we’ve both lost some poundage: 4.5 for me, 5 for Matt. Not too shabby.